
How to sell your first game

Started by February 01, 2009 07:38 PM
12 comments, last by Tom Sloper 15 years, 11 months ago
Hi seanmusgrave,

Just my little suggestions on making money from addictive games. But first if you offer a cut of the returns on the game and your target turnover is $400-700 wouldn’t a marketing professional eat up a lot of that? Also if offered 30% of the low end of your expected returns ($120) would a marketing professional (who could be on a salary of anything from $65-120k pa) be interested?

Now for my suggestions, there is a few ways you can go about making profits from casual or addictive games here’s a few of them:

- Pay per play.
- Subscription.
- Free play with adds.
- Selling through a third party publisher such as steam, PSN or xbla.

Hope these few suggestions help you.

Best Regards,
Mark Fraser,
Managing Director of Aero Astro Arts Ltd.
Mark Fraser,
I hope this doesn't make me sound like an idiot, but I couldn't follow what you wrote above. Could you explain please?

>if you offer

[to a salesperson I assume you mean?]

>a cut of the returns on the game and your target turnover

Could you define "turnover" please? Is that gross sales, or is that net profit, or what? And is that per some recurring time increment, and if so, what time increment?

>is $400-700

See, it's unclear what this is. Four hundred dollars is a small amount of money if this is sales per year, but it's a large amount of money if this is per-unit income. Or is there a "k" missing?
What is "turnover" please?

>wouldn’t a marketing professional

(I assume you mean a sales person? I'm used to a differentiation between sales and marketing, as those terms are used in the game industry in the North American market)

>eat up

"Eat up" might be negative or positive, so I'm not sure what is meant.
Negative: Paying a sales person a salary would "eat up" (burn through) a lot of your money if you're not a highly profitable business.
Positive: But a sales person would "eat up" (jump at) the chance to sell your product if it's a good product that can net him a nice commission.
You probably meant the latter?

>a lot of that? Also if offered 30% of the low end of your expected returns ($120)

One hundred twenty dollars is the expected returns (sales?) for what increment of time? It's a good figure if it's "per minute" but really bad if it's "per year." This goes back to what "turnover" means again, perhaps? Or is there just a "k" missing?

I never had a business education other than what I learned on the job, so I couldn't follow your jargon. Maybe other readers would benefit from a translation too.


-- Tom Sloper --

Sorry, that I'm intervering here, but I have a question.

Lots of users in this forum are from USA, UK and Eurpe, so you (users) already have a base how to communicate each other and, for example, know how to sell your game from USA to UK, or from Europe to USA, etc.

Our small company working on a MMORPG game, and in our plans is sell not only in Russia, but in eastern Europe.

So, I thought it will be better to try it in all Europe, and, may be in USA? But we don't have an experience...

What we have to do on this situaion?

P.S. We have a good interpreter, who has good experience in translating games.

I'm sorry for my poor English
I am sorry for my poor English
Original post by Maxim84
Our small company working on a MMORPG game, and in our plans is sell not only in Russia, but in eastern Europe.

So, I thought it will be better to try it in all Europe, and, may be in USA? But we don't have an experience...

What we have to do on this situaion?

Since you don't have experience publishing games in this market, you might want to do a deal with an American publisher.
But MMORPGs are a tough sell. There are a few publishers of MMORPGs to talk to. But they will probably want to see that your game is attracting a lot of players and good press in your home territory first.
Make the game a success, and the deals will come.

-- Tom Sloper --

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