Original post by capn_midnight
The efforts of Congress and the Executive to create "stimulus" plans out of magic and pixie dust in an expectation of saving the country from a massive depression are fairy tale fantasies. Mark my words, the country is going into a depression and the efforts of the government will do nothing to stop it. The only question that remains is how long the depression will last.
It's not magic, it's economics.
Original post by capn_midnight
These stimulus plans are paradoxes on their very face. A stimulus is by definition an external influence having an effect on the system. You can't just double the number of dollars in circulation from inside and call that a stimulus plan. You might as well have told everyone to cut their dollars in half and call each piece whole. It doesn't change anything, it just destroys the savings of the people who actually acted responsibly during this whole mess.
It seems to me that the savings of the people who acted responsibly during this whole mess was destroyed by the whole mess.
Original post by capn_midnight
The current "stimulus" plans are not executions of Keynesian economics because Keynesian economics is confiscation of savings through taxation to enact direct investment in the economy. TARP and the Auto Bailout are are expansions of the monetary base to give funds to 3rd parties with the hope that they will use the funds to invest in the economy, i.e. indirect investment. The reason the name "Keynesian" is tacked on to this plan comes from the popular understanding that Keynesian economics is the "right" system for recession economics. However, even Keynes himself admitted that it was best suited for totalitarian states and did not work very well for democratic systems with too much personal freedom.
TARP and the auto-bailout weren't about stimulating the economy but preventing it from collapsing. They aren't part of the current plans, which include direct investment in the economy. But don't despair just yet, the banks may still be nationalized.
Original post by capn_midnight
Keynes' fundamental flaw was failing to remember that wealth and the health of the economy are based in capital creation, i.e. savings, the very thing he was hell-bent on confiscating. We can give everyone a million dollars and it won't mean a lick if nobody has any real goods with real value to show for it. He thought that the savings of the rich were wasted moneys, which is a ridiculous concept in even the pre-Fed banking system. Keynesian economics is forcefully taking the value out of investments to put try to put into investments. Would anyone please try to explain to me how that is supposed to make any sense?
To frame things using a biological metaphor, a heart that hoards blood soon stops pumping it.
Original post by capn_midnight
Without savings, there are no funds to loan, period. We have a liquidity crisis because savings are at an all time low. That spike at the end there is from TARP funds being held in reserve by the banks that received them, instead of being used to make loans. People don't have enough money to put in the bank, and their houses are being appraised at lower and lower values due to market saturation (1, 2, 3). There's nothing propping up the deck of cards anymore. In order to maintain the flow of money, the Fed had to reduce the reserve limits to completely irresponsible levels to make sure the money supply was available and then slash interest rates to entice people into racking up debt so that the money supply would get used.
First you say there are no funds to loan, then you say that the banks are hoarding the money the government gave them to loan.
Original post by capn_midnight
The only way to get out of this problem is to correct the root cause, lack of savings.
In that case, the root cause was crumbling wages. People didn't save because they had nothing left over to save because their wages had been falling for thirty years.
Original post by capn_midnight
1.) We have to let interest rates be set by market forces, allow the feedback in the system to do its work. This will probably make base interest rates jump to 15-20%. At those rates, nobody is going to want to take a loan and everyone is going to want to be putting money into savings accounts.
You think we should drink more market fundamentalist kool-aid? Really? If everyone puts their money in the bank, the economy will collapse. Seriously. It seems to me that you're tracing the economic policy of the Hoover administration.
Original post by capn_midnight
2.) We need to increase the reserve requirements, being able to loan out $3000 for every $100 you take in is ludicrous and is exactly how fluctuations in one portion of the market end up getting spread to the rest of the market.
Regulations? Really? Now you're sounding like me.
Original post by capn_midnight
3.) We have to stop the government spending money like a Beverly Hills Suburban Queen and get back to fiscally responsible activities (which neither party has done for the last 20 years), like closing a Department of Education that has allowed 50% of the population to be so illiterate that they earn below the poverty level and removing the military occupation of literally the majority of countries in the entire world.
Actually, the fiscal irresponsibility began with Ronald Reagan. It began to turn around with Bush 41, but he "lied" about taxes and lost favor with his party. Clinton picked up the ball to institute "Pay-Go" and managed at least to balance the budget on paper. Then Bush 43 took over and ran the country into a ditch. Closing the Dept of Education is a terrible approach to improving literacy rates, but don't let that get in the way of promoting your ideological agenda.
Original post by capn_midnight
Finally admitting that Social Security is a giant Ponzi scheme that was never meant for the general populace anyway would help, too. (">link)
If you want to see what a giant Ponzi scheme looks like, check out Bernie Madoff, who made off with $50 billion. And don't kid yourself, Social Security was always about the general populace.
Original post by capn_midnight
4.) Finally, we have to cut the income tax drastically (preferably completely as it was an unconstitutional enactment that was promised to end after WWII), so that everyone has more money, real money, to save. Income taxes are taxes on the poor and middle class anyway, the rich can easily use investment vehicles to skirt it. We would be operating at 55% of 2007's income, which wouldn't be too bad if we get around to reigning in spending.
Pour on the kool-aid! When all you've got in your tool kit is tax cuts, every problem calls for more tax cuts!! And where did you come up with that half baked notion that income tax promised to end after WWII? You're right that income taxes are taxes on the poor and middle class. They're part of the mechanism for redistributing wealth upwards to those that don't need it.
Original post by capn_midnight
It is going to hurt, but hopefully it will only hurt for a few years while the system heals from the steroids its been on for the last 15 to 20 years. If the government continues to enact policies that destroy savings they are only going to prolong the problem.
Your plans would wreck the country and the globe for that matter.
"I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes." - the Laughing Man