
Computer program for composing music

Started by January 13, 2009 07:04 PM
3 comments, last by partymetroid 16 years ago
Hello. I want to know of some software suitable for a beginner for composing music. They don't necessarily have to be MIDI sequencers, and they don't have to be free. Any suggestions would be great. I already know of Anvil Studio. Is there any better?
it's been years since i've used or even seen it, but i remember sony acid as being an interesting application. and i know it's come along way since spending time with it.

as i recall, it's primarily a loop based workstation and you can purchase different license-free libraries and build your own music from there. ok, so actually, it's not really license-free since you're essentially paying for the right to use the library for your own ends.

anyway, it now looks like a full blown DAW with audio and midi capabilities, which it was not a few years ago.

i'm not sure if that's what you mean by software to help compose.

reason might be another way to go.

all the best.

I started out with fruity loops ... it's quite an easy application to use, but best ones out there are Cubase and Logic Pro

Good luck!
FruitLoops is awesome! It's easy to get started with, yet powerful enough to make really decent music.
I had mostly forgotten about this thread. I found a couple: MuseScore and PXTone. They're both quite good. MuseScore uses traditional notation, while PXTone uses a piano roll. I like to compose in MuseScore and rewrite the music in PXTone for video game music. :)

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