Quote:Original post by stimarcoIntellectual property laws REQUIRE that you ACTIVELY PROTECT any IP you claim to own. If you see someone using your trade name and using your reputation to improve sales of their own product, you are legally OBLIGED to sue their arses. |
You pay no attention, or pretend to. I referred endlessly about *utterly*, *massively* invalid *claims* of IP ownership, not legitimate ones. Then you totally respond with a comment that presumes almost the opposite of what I said. Grow up!
Quote:You do NOT have the right to use Microsoft's Windows branding -- including the logo, font, etc. -- on your own products without their express permission. |
And I explained *that* explicitly too. Another "bait and switch".
Quote:(Oh yes: paragraphs are your friend.) |
You got me there. I apologize and will attempt to make better paragraph decisions in the future.
Quote:Because -- and I do hope it sinks in this time -- if a company's pet lawyers think you might be infringing on their IP, even if they're not 100% certain, they are OBLIGED to protect their property! See my first sentence in my first paragraph? That is why. |
Again you ignore everything he said, and his entire point to the original poster. Everyone else gives advice that a reasonable newbee/person might understand as "be afraid to do virtually anything whatsoever". And this attitude is supported by an endless onslaught of purpose lies about what *extent* IP protection reaches to. I tried to *start* a discussion process that would lead to a reasonable understanding of where the facts lie. However, you and others just piled on to defend the *utterly wrong* lies and propaganda spread by bullies and IP-lawyers. You guys made little to zero effort to identify for anyone/newbee "where the ethical line is" or "where the legal line is" or "where the practical lines are" or "the different ways a person can deal with being utterly legal but still possibly raising the attention of bullies who want *vastly more* than they are legally entitled to, and know how to get it (from weak minded fools and novices) at virtually zero time/effort/expense. I tried to help, while you try to lie about what others say, defend the bullies, and be a bully yourself.
Quote:There's no such thing as a "business with a conscience": businesses are abstract legal entities, NOT people, for f*ck's sake!). |
I *totally* agree with you about one part of that; businesses are "ficticious entities", both legally and actually. But abstract/ficticious entities do not exist --- except as mental content in the heads of humans. Therefore real, living, breathing, thinking good/bad/ugly/beautiful/wonderful/awful/creative/lame/helpful/bully *people* take every action, not corporations. And some of those folks are wonderful (often the creative folks), but many of them are slime (often elitist executives and their laywers). Thus, some *people* are fair minded and some people are out to destroy/inhibit/thwart others, and we must understand which we are dealing with, and act accordingly. Our only alternatives are "be controlled by the slime of planet earth" or "give everyone what they deserve, but no more", especially to fulltime cretins who spend their entire lives lying, cheating, stealing, intimidating and generally thwarting as much honest, productive, creative work by others as possible.
You are welcome to side with the slime, but do not expect my help or acquiescence.
Quote:Sure, the "little guy" could fight back. And sometimes the little guy wins... but such victories are often Pyrrhic. Business isn't a game. If you're going to swim with sharks, you don't get to whine about the risk of being eaten. |
Alas, you purposely lie again about my personal advice and my personal experience. To repeat but summarize, "stay legal", then "ignore them". Now, "ignore them" does *not* suggest people look for fights. That is what bullies do. And I *did* suggest people *ignore* them, *not* fight them repeatedly, so you simply lie, lie, lie.
I explained how ignoring costs us nothing - those of us who do not waste our lives worrying about hot-air-filled liar bullies. I also explained that weak-minded non-self-conscious folks take *your* advice and live a smaller life than they might (assuming their inclinations are such that they might benefit from not being super-meek their entire lives).
Quote:Quote:Do not believe what humans say or publish; most are liars, especially in the domain of IP and used cars. |
I believe this falls under the "Well, DUH!" heading. However, you missed out "incompetent", "making it up as they go along", "flint-hearted" and "arrogant". Businessmen and lawyers are just people, with all the same foibles. |
Glad to hear you have some common sense.
Quote:Quote:... sadly, most humans are weak minded suckers, easily scammed by simple "Jedi mind tricks" handed down through the ages. |
So? You're saying this like it's a bad thing! |
Yes, I do believe this is a very bad thing - that arrogant malicious skumbags get vastly more than they deserve by cheating and intimidating people who know no better. Yes, that is a bad thing in fact, because it rewards evil/destruction and punishes good/creativity/productivity.
Quote:Besides, this is a games development forum, dedicated to the creation of illusions, mummery and expensive, million-dollar simulations of complete and utter bullshit for the purpose of giving punters the privilege of passing their free time a little more pleasantly. |
That it is. Which makes me wonder why so many self-important people get so lathered up when someone tries to *help* others with less experience.
Quote:(As for the finance industries' recent fuck-ups: you'd be amazed at how much of it was actually due to sheer incompetence. Unfortunately, most people simply suck at numbers and statistics, so it's not surprising that the snowball became an avalanche. I won't say nobody knew what was really going on. ... the finance industries' real problems are primarily caused by short-termism, the lack of moderation and minimal accountability endemic in today's Western societies. Time was when the boss of a failed bank would fall on his sword; now they get Golden Handshakes). |
Again, you totally miss (or misrepresent) the point! People are welcomed (by me) to screw up royally with their own money... or win big with their own money. But when people unilaterally take control of other peoples lives, other peoples money, even entire world economies, they are inherently wrong (though you will disagree if you are accept "divine right of kings" or "might makes right" or "dog eat dog" philosophy - which I refuse to justify as being legitimate "ethics").
In fact, virtually the entire government is *criminally* wrong by reference to the controlling legal document of the USSA (formerly the USA), namely the constitution. But of course (you might observe) they are not arrested by the FBI, which is part of the "justice department", which is part of the "executive branch", which is run by the criminals. So nobody should be surprised that criminals run everything now, because people at large have *accepted* the right of liars and criminals to run their lives, to print unconstitutional counterfeit money in endless quantities (when the constitution requires ONLY gold and silver), and to allow (actually, strongly encourage) their gangster bankster co-conspirators to play utterly untenable (worse than risky) games at up to 100 times leverage with money created out of thin air by the criminals. You believe in overt, over-the-top elitist/fascist/authoritarianism (and certainly not liberty/justice/individualism) if you support the right of some dishonest pigs to print unlimited funds, invest with unlimited leverage, run overtly self-serving and conflict-of-interest scams with rating-agencies, etc.
Time for a paragraph? My point was, like with the bully-liars in IP, these bully-liars did not "make a mistake". They are wholesale liars and criminals getting away with whatever *criminal* acts they can. The result is what you see; the evil folks print trillions to play with, then when their leverage blows up in their faces (as it had to, as I said so loudly for years), they steal additional trillions of dollars so they can remain in power, and live their elitist, fascist, authoritarian criminal lives in luxury. The scope of their crimes are so astronomical that many people believe "it must be legal" because they cannot conceive of atrocities of such magnitude can occur in plain sight of media and everyone. But surprise! Americans, perhaps originally the most honest, individual-respecting people in history, had a fatal strain of authority-worship from the beginning (religion), which mutated into the overt authoritarianism we have today. No wonder so many people are confused. Their philosophies are internally inconsistent, and at war with themselves! And as usual, the evil side wins (damn, another unintended StarWars reference).
Quote:Quote:All I say is "wake up!" and "get real". For the most part, other people will not look out for you, and claims to the contrary are part of their trick. Just because a few good lawyers exist even now, and just because ethics is important, and just because we do need ways to seek justice, does not mean we should take zero effort or responsibility for understanding reality and ethics, and simply accept the [mostly] self-serving pronouncements from [mostly] self-serving "experts". |
...Criminal versus Civil...
Criminal laws include the likes of murder and burglary. These laws are tied to a permanent enforcement branch of the civil service -- usually a police force of some sort. These laws are enforced proactively. Write that word down.
Civil laws tend to cover issues like IP, contracts, corporate governance, etc. These laws have no permanent enforcement branch of the civil service to keep a watchful eye over their application. These laws are therefore reactive: a plaintiff must get off his arse and bring a civil case to court himself if he perceives a civil law to have been broken.
There are some regulatory bodies which will look for breaches of some civil laws, but their remits are invariably limited in scope. There is no "IP Police", so all IP law is handled reactively. If you don't like the way a company is handling its (alleged) IP, YOU must bring it to the civil courts' attention. Nobody else is going to do so.
So... either put up, or shut up. |
Read what *you* wrote, then *think*. Can I ask you to *please* think before you react? It is *BECAUSE* nobody stops liars from totally misrepresenting what you can and cannot do (in civil matters like IP), that we *cannot* depend upon their misrepresentations to guide our actions. So you just gave one excellent reason for my position, namely "understand what is legal, so you can take every ethical and legal advantage of your own time and efforts to create the most enjoyable (maybe even valuable) works of art as you can" (allowing for your own weaknesses).
BTW, you really should have figured out by now that "being a bully" and saying "shut up" will not intimidate me. Sheesh, I thought that would be obvious! All you did is make obvious what kind of person you are.