
Anisotropic filtering?

Started by June 19, 2001 02:51 PM
4 comments, last by TerraX 21 years, 7 months ago
Hiya all, I've been trying to find info on the subject of anisotropic filtering with OpenGL, but with no luck (Perhaps 'cause I'm spelling it wrong or summin) I'm hoping someone here knows of summin? I guess it is used in the form of one of those mysterious (to me) OpenGL extensions? Any help would be GREATLY appreciated Also, while I'm here, Has anyone bought the OpenGL programming book that is on NeHe's site? And if so, how cool is it? Edited by - TerraX on June 19, 2001 4:32:56 PM
Err, *BUMP*

Still looking for info

Don't get me wrong, mipmapping is cool, but I really wanna be able to get rid of that "near parallel to Z axis, crappy texture look" effect

Edit: I've bought that "OpenGL game programming" book since then.... it's real cool, it covers most of the stuff on NeHe's site, and various other bits and pieces, the only quibble I had with it when I bought it was that fact that most of the example code was using classes and other various C++ stuff as opposed (kinda) to NeHe's sweet and easy to understand C only code. Although, after figuring out a little C++, this book is pretty cool.... talks ya through most of OpenGL, it even shows you how to create a game engine (Something I myself still ain't capable of, even after 3 years programmings with this almighty API) Maybe I'm just dumb

Either way, it's a cool book, I highly recommend it for beginners, if they/you know a little class.

[edited by - TerraX on July 21, 2003 6:14:20 AM]
Look up the GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic extension, though it might be ARB now, I''m not sure...

Death of one is a tragedy, death of a million is just a statistic.
If at first you don't succeed, redefine success.
Thanks for the link and info
Actually it''s not ARB and neither it is in the OpenGL core specification.

A very simple example using it :

This has to be done for each texture object, just like you have to define filtering and clamping for each texture. That is, you can''t call glTexParameter once and think it''s done for all textures.

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