Err, *BUMP*
Still looking for info

Don't get me wrong, mipmapping is cool, but I really wanna be able to get rid of that "near parallel to Z axis, crappy texture look" effect

Edit: I've bought that "OpenGL game programming" book since then.... it's real cool, it covers most of the stuff on NeHe's site, and various other bits and pieces, the only quibble I had with it when I bought it was that fact that most of the example code was using classes and other various C++ stuff as opposed (kinda) to NeHe's sweet and easy to understand C only code. Although, after figuring out a little C++, this book is pretty cool.... talks ya through most of OpenGL, it even shows you how to create a game engine (Something I myself still ain't capable of, even after 3 years programmings with this almighty API) Maybe I'm just dumb

Either way, it's a cool book, I highly recommend it for beginners, if they/you know a little class.
[edited by - TerraX on July 21, 2003 6:14:20 AM]