
Access shared windows folder from linux

Started by November 17, 2008 03:49 PM
4 comments, last by Glass_Knife 15 years, 10 months ago
First of all, I think it is important to point out that I am a complete newbie in the land of Linux. Having said that, I feel as though there is some secret little thing no one is telling me. I have a windows box with a shared folder, and other windows boxes can see it. I have Ubuntu 8.10, and although I can see the computer, I can not see the folder. Everything I have read on Google suggests that this should just work. I am very frustrated. A few months ago, I setup a different machine with Fedora and so did a friend of mine. According to him, he set up his machine exactly the same way I did, and yet he could see the shared folder and I could not. I suspect something so simple that no one has even mentioned it. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated.

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Have you installed Samba? Samba is the software that lets Linux talk to Windows shares (and vice versa).
If you're using KDE, fire up Konqueror and type:


I'm not sure sure about Gnome though. Stick 'samba' into the package manager and see what handy GUI tools come up to give you a boost.

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If you are using Gnome:

  1. Click the the places menu

  2. Click Connect to Server

  3. Change Service Type to Windows Share

  4. Enter the relevant info

  5. Click Connect

If that works, I recommend that you create a bookmark so next time, you can just click on that under the Places menu, and Nautilus will pull it up.

I haven't tried this with Windows shared folders, but I use the same procedure to access FTP and SSH.
Quote: Original post by deadstar
If you're using KDE, fire up Konqueror and type:


I'm not sure sure about Gnome though. Stick 'samba' into the package manager and see what handy GUI tools come up to give you a boost.

Nautilus would take smb:// just fine as well.
Some more information.

I logged in as root and connected to the drive no problem. Then when I tried with my own account, not only did it not connect, but it locked out my windows account.

I later discovered that I could set the network file sharing permission for my use account, and then I was able to connect.

That was yesterday. Today, I tried the same thing and it locked my account out again.

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