I'm thinking that to make "defense" vs "offense" of any real concern, there have to be offensive and defensive abilities beyond what simple numbers are able to provide.
Any thoughts?
I would just like to point out that the default model of 'defense' is a wall or a shield. Its function is to block an attack. The attacker is not trying to attack the defense, but the targets behind the defense. Attacking defenses uses up the ammo/strength that could have been used to attack the targets.
If the game has the concept of strength or ammo, then any thing that is cheap that can block attacks become defensive units.
The root number you want to look at is probably not "attack point" or "defense" point", but "ammunition".
In general, the purpose of defensive units is to absorb the attacks intended for other valuable targets. Destroying the defensive units is not the objective, otherwise there won't be a difference. The game needs to distinguish between valuable targets and obstacles.
[Edited by - Wai on November 9, 2008 2:09:55 PM]