
Problem with 3ds max envelopes

Started by November 06, 2008 11:22 AM
3 comments, last by butthead_82 16 years, 2 months ago
Hi, I have a problem with weights while skinning and adjusting envelope size. I expected only vertices inside envelope to be affected by bone but no... whole mesh is affected, every vertex with full weight, no matter what size the envelope is. I found few threads about similar problems but no answer there :( I appreciate any help or hint Here's a pic...
are you using skin modifier or physique?
skin modifier
Quote: Original post by butthead_82
skin modifier

ok, Ive seen problems with a similar issue when using physique but never had a problem with skin modifier so not really sure how to help.

I did just quickly go into max and made a cylinder with lots of subdivisions in height whacked in a few bones and got it working correctly so ill just post what I did to see if you are doing something different?

Make an object

add the bones you want in the right locations

put a skin modifier on the object you want the bones to control

using the modifier add all the bones you just placed

now when i click on a bone i get the envelope region and the vertices's within the envelope are red with some orange ones around the edge (ones which have less weight)

just seems to work straight away, obviously I could alter the envelops to get the mesh to behave how I want.

if you could post what your doing I may be able to help further but at the moment haven't had any issues with skin.

off topic do you like football? I support Tottenham and they play Zagreb in the UEFA cup tonight......
Hi, BlackSeeds, thanks for your reply,

I tried playing with max and envelopes some more and found out that things actually work but somehow strange...Almost all weights have value of 1.0 (99% of them), rarely less. I suppose I can't set inner and outer envelopes properly. I'll have to study these things more.

Yes, I am a football fan (not extremely passionate but I am :)
I usually support Tottenham (because of Modric) but not tonight, sorry... :D

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