
Distribution on Steam

Started by October 25, 2008 01:54 PM
11 comments, last by Hodgman 16 years, 2 months ago
Does anyone have a general estimate of what it costs to distribute a game on Steam? (just the Steam cost itself, not any development cost) I already know that it is very hard to even be considered for distribution on Steam. I was just looking for a ballpark estimate for some long term planning. Are we talking about like $5,000, or is it more like $20,000, or even $100k? Thanks.
I would imagine they wouldn't charge you to add your game to their library, but would take a cut of any game sold.

However, you can ask them by following this link, and getting their email address.
I am planning on asking them, but I was going to wait until I had my game in a presentable state, which will be in a while. I read that they take a long time in responding to requests which aren't backed up by a ready, well-made game.

I can't recall where (probably buried somewhere in his blog), but I remember reading about Garry's Mod costing $20,000(?) to distribute? I might have gotten my figures mixed up but that sounds right in my memory.

I wonder if it's the same for every game. I'll try to ask the Spectraball guy.
I heard the number 40% thrown around in terms of the percentage of your sales that goes to Valve. I have no idea how accurate this number is.
I was involved with a game thats on Steam now and there was no mention of money changing hands up front. Though they do take their fare share of the selling price.
I'm also very interested in this info. If you find out anything please post the results.
From what I've read it depends on what Valve and you decide, however it is covered by their NDA so not many people will be able to tell you. It seems to range from 30-50%, I think Garrys Mod said at some point that that he was at 50% although its usually lower.
Hm. %50 seems a bit high to me, although I'm really inexperienced in this area. What is an average rate for someone who publishes games? By publish, I am excluding financing the development and physical printing and distribution fees. I am just referring to the percentage that they would take, if any at all.
Microsoft take 70% of XBLA games sales if I remember correctly.

With the launch of this "Steam Works" (see what I did there? *ahem*) initiative, I thought Valve was trying to coax developers to come to Steam without having to pay for it. Not sure though..
Quote: With no licensing fees and no charge for bandwidth, keep your customers up-to-date and together with a unified system.
I'm only going from what I've read, but I believe most casual game portals take about two-thirds of the sale gross, give or take. That's just for on-line distribution for a completely developer funded casual title.

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