
Music and payment

Started by September 18, 2008 06:55 PM
1 comment, last by taelmx 16 years, 5 months ago
I have made a couple tracks for a game studio that has abandoned the project. They were just demos, and there was no binding contract made and I never got paid for them. Can I use them for another game or do they have any rights to it? Also, I am running my own project. I am funding it myself for the most part, but I was wondering what the best way to divide revenue is. I don't want to turn our team into lemmings, but I want to be able to recruit more people for the game, right now it happens to be 3d modelers I need the most. What would I put in a payment contract that only pays after revenue? I would actually also put something in it about if we receive publisher funding. Thanks!
tx, if there's no contract and you weren't paid, that music is yours.

As for revenue division on your own project, "the best way" is any way that your team members will agree to.

BTW, this question was asked recently. It's entitled "Quick Question on Legal Protection" and turned out not to be so quick. The article isn't too far down the list - go read it. This topic was discussed therein.

Also my latest IGDA column addresses this - it's at The September column (the current one) is addressed to guys who are organizing a project and want to pay participants in future potential royalties. The next column, to be published in October, is addressed to guys who are asked to join a project and be paid in possible future royalties.

Good luck with not turning people into lemmings (whatever the heck that even means).

-- Tom Sloper --

Thanks! that helps a lot! (Lemmings = the things that sit in cubicles 5 days a week; "I don't want them to have to follow any strict guidelines or deadlines right now, as it will hamper creativity") looks like it will help a lot! I'll also try to get my game copyrighted asap.

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