
Real GOD game. Or maybe not?

Started by June 08, 2001 05:17 AM
9 comments, last by BobyDimitrov 23 years, 8 months ago
So, the Planetary mode: here it gets even more complicated. You could change several factors, on which the life development depends, like water/dry land balance, heat, tectonics, etc. If you want to make any modifications, it would take time for them to apply. I.e. if you want increased tectonics, it takes at least 20 000 years for the processes to activate. If you want to stop them or decrease them it would take another 20-30 thousand years. And that would affect the climate, the biosphere, anything on the planet, so you can’t just make changes with a flip of the switch.

And the Biosphere (or Life) mode: this is the most interesting mode and the player is supposed to spend much time in it. Control mutation, growth rate, lifecycle, reproduction, and so on. You could stimulate the life to develop this or that way. You won’t have direct control over the life forms, like give them food or destroy buildings, after all Evolution have much more powerful means. You could have a listing with visuals of the dominant species on the planet. I.e. on Earth, it’ll show humans, ants, roaches and such. If you wanted, you could make ants more wide spread by mutating this and that gene, or via simple interface (haven’t thought of it yet)

Sorry for the messy post, but I’m at work and have clients coming and going all the time, but I can’t wait to share my ideas! Later, guy! Expect more on that topic!

Boby Dimitrov
Boby Dimitrovhttp://forums.rpgbg.netBulgarian RPG Community

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