Lesson 6 help
hi all, I could follow all first 5 lessons. Once i move to lesson 6, i got stuck. First of all, i comment out # include <gl\glaux.h>, I have errors. If i # include "glAux Replacement.cpp" and place "glAux Replacement.cpp" in the same directory with the source code, I still have errors. Please help me. PS: i use visual studio 2008.
You should never #include a .cpp file, only header files. If there is an associated "glAux Replacement.h" file, include that instead.
If you still get errors after that, post them in their exact form, as well as the code causing them.
If you still get errors after that, post them in their exact form, as well as the code causing them.
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on the homepage, I see there is only one "glaux replacement.cpp" on the left side.
I just rename it to "glaux replacement.h" and add to the project. After compiling, i have those errors.
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(32) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(32) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(33) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(46) : error C3861: 'auxDIBImageLoad': identifier not found
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(56) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(58) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(61) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->sizeX' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->sizeY' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(74) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(76) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(76) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(78) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(78) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(81) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>Build log was saved at "file://e:\openGL_t\firstProgram\firstProgram\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>firstProgram - 19 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I just rename it to "glaux replacement.h" and add to the project. After compiling, i have those errors.
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(32) : error C2143: syntax error : missing ';' before '*'
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(32) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(33) : error C4430: missing type specifier - int assumed. Note: C++ does not support default-int
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(46) : error C3861: 'auxDIBImageLoad': identifier not found
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(56) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(58) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(61) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->sizeX' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->sizeY' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(69) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(74) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(76) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(76) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(78) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(78) : error C2227: left of '->data' must point to class/struct/union/generic type
1>e:\opengl_t\firstprogram\firstprogram\firstsource.cpp(81) : error C2065: 'TextureImage' : undeclared identifier
1>Build log was saved at "file://e:\openGL_t\firstProgram\firstProgram\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>firstProgram - 19 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
Instead of #include "glAux Replacement.cpp", add this line to your main file:
bool NeHeLoadBitmap(LPTSTR szFileName, GLuint &texid);
And in your main file, use the following code instead of the old LoadGLTextures:
And add glAux Replacement.cpp to your project. (And if you haven't done allready, remove this from the file:
This piece is only an example usage. So your glAux Replacement.cpp should be like this:
bool NeHeLoadBitmap(LPTSTR szFileName, GLuint &texid);
And in your main file, use the following code instead of the old LoadGLTextures:
GLuint texture[1]; ...int LoadGLTextures( ){ if (!NeHeLoadBitmap("Data/NeHe.bmp", texture[0])) // Load The Bitmap return FALSE;}
And add glAux Replacement.cpp to your project. (And if you haven't done allready, remove this from the file:
BOOL Initialize (GL_Window* window, Keys* keys) // Any GL Init Code & User Initialiazation Goes Here{ g_window = window; g_keys = keys; // Start Of User Initialization if (!NeHeLoadBitmap("Data/NeHe.bmp", texture[0])) // Load The Bitmap return FALSE;
This piece is only an example usage. So your glAux Replacement.cpp should be like this:
#include <windows.h>#include <GL/gl.h>/************************************************************************ REPLACEMENT FOR GLAUX ************************************************************************ This is not a full blown bitmap loader. It is a quick and easy way to replace the glAux dependant code in my older tutorials with code that does not depend on the glAux library! This code only loads Truecolor Bitmap Images. It will not load 8-bit bitmaps. If you encounter a bitmap that will not load use a program such as Irfanview to convert the bitmap to 24 bits. ************************************************************************/bool NeHeLoadBitmap(LPTSTR szFileName, GLuint &texid) // Creates Texture From A Bitmap File{ HBITMAP hBMP; // Handle Of The Bitmap BITMAP BMP; // Bitmap Structure glGenTextures(1, &texid); // Create The Texture hBMP=(HBITMAP)LoadImage(GetModuleHandle(NULL), szFileName, IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | LR_LOADFROMFILE ); if (!hBMP) // Does The Bitmap Exist? return FALSE; // If Not Return False GetObject(hBMP, sizeof(BMP), &BMP); // Get The Object // hBMP: Handle To Graphics Object // sizeof(BMP): Size Of Buffer For Object Information // &BMP: Buffer For Object Information glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 4); // Pixel Storage Mode (Word Alignment / 4 Bytes) // Typical Texture Generation Using Data From The Bitmap glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, texid); // Bind To The Texture ID glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Linear Min Filter glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // Linear Mag Filter glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, BMP.bmWidth, BMP.bmHeight, 0, GL_BGR_EXT, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, BMP.bmBits); DeleteObject(hBMP); // Delete The Object return TRUE; // Loading Was Successful}
I found another way how to fix that kind of compatible bug. Just download the project and open dsw file with visual studio 2008. Then Visual studio 2008 automatically convert the project without any errors. However, if I compile from source the file , then I will have bug due to library compatible. TKs.
I found another way how to fix that kind of compatible bug. Just download the project and open dsw file with visual studio 2008. Then Visual studio 2008 automatically convert the project without any errors. However, if I compile from source the file , then I will have bug due to library compatible. TKs.
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