
need help with a racetrack model for a school project!

Started by June 28, 2008 09:18 AM
-1 comments, last by Kalisto 16 years, 8 months ago
hi! I am in not so good situation,tomorrow I need to submit a school project - a C++ game..the problem is that,I almost done(I making a 3D RACE GAME),but I need a race track for my car. I don't know maya or 3DMAX. I looked in google and turbosquid but the problem is that thier models have to much polygons,and I don't have time to build a function that would load the object - the race track -from a file(becuae I would first of all would need to learn how to do it,and I don't have time) I realy need something simple,like a rectangle with a start point in shape of a gate and in the middle would be just some one big box or something in shape of a tower.. for anyone who know maya or 3dmax,its would take about 5 min of work.. I just need it in form of array with no more that 200-300 polygons.. please,anyone can help?

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