
Real Time Turn Based Strategy

Started by June 08, 2008 10:43 PM
9 comments, last by Stardog 16 years, 8 months ago
Random thought popped into my head. Anyone play a strategy game where all players could assign move orders and queue up build orders and all that at the same time, and then when they're done they click the End Turn button, but not until all users end their turn does the turn actually carry itself out. Rinse, wash, repeat. I haven't really thought out all the ramifications of this type of gameplay - I just know I haven't encountered it myself so I was wondering if anyone else has.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

I've considered it. I think the biggest change from turned based gameplay is that you can't make detailed decisions based on the current situation. If the elapsed time was of decent quantity (10 seconds or more), units would need to think on their own to act rationally. You can't give complex and specific orders in one moment of time that will make sense after subsequent events change the situation.
'Concurrent' style multiplayer in Civilization (I think it was civilization) does this.

I do this for my hobby game. As Kest points out, you need to introduce better orders. "move here, then there" isn't so good when you really just want to "attack bob" and bob might move before your units' orders are processed. Also, there's the problem of turn ordering. In the style I saw (iirc), each empire cycled which one went first. (to even out the advantages of turn order). In my hobby game, the orders are processed in a 'speed' order. Detailed here btw.

Daniel Cook's theoretical game "Space Crack" uses a simultaneous turn system similar to what you describe and makes references to a couple of other games that have used the idea, check under the "Game Designs" heading on this page to have a bit of a read about it.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Im pretty sure that Risk 2 on the PC has a game mode which is just classical Risk but with everyone making their moves at the same time. If you are really interested, the game can be found incredibly cheap and is pretty fun.
Thx guys.

Drew Sikora
Executive Producer

Stars! did this. (The exclamation is part of the title.) It's a 4x space strategy game and wildly popular among a niche crowd. (The sequel was apparently scrapped due to lack of publisher support, specifically because turn-based games are no longer "in.") Turn order wasn't taken into account; all turns were processed at the same time. Things that didn't directly affect other players — e.g., production, research — were processed first. Ships were then moved based on speed, and if speeds were the same, a special initiative rating was then factored in. It worked extremely well, especially since turns could take many minutes in the late-game. Still one of my all-time favorite games.

GDNet+. It's only $5 a month. You know you want it.

Also take a look at laser squad nemesis....(made by some x-com ppl) its got a sizable demo. But the game play is a little odd- it forces you to shoot at where you think your target might be viable by the time you run and shoot. Anyway its interesting none the less.

But IMO the simultaneous turn system is slightly more realistic, but not as fun as real turn based games.

[Edited by - vs322 on June 10, 2008 8:33:54 AM]

Original post by Gaiiden
... when they're done they click the End Turn button, but not until all users end their turn does the turn actually carry itself out...

This is how Civilization did things in multiplayer, but it can be frustrating. It's easy, during intensive unit ordering times such as war, to need a long turn time and during peace only require short turn times. In many multiplayer civ4 games i've been left twiddling my thumbs while being forced to wait for half the world to fight out petty wars. Although sometimes it can be fun to watch a civilization be erradicated due to their own diplomatic stances, it's quite easy to get bored in a long game where you are repeatedly forced to wait for slow players to finish their turn.
Original post by Gaiiden
Random thought popped into my head. Anyone play a strategy game where all players could assign move orders and queue up build orders and all that at the same time, and then when they're done they click the End Turn button, but not until all users end their turn does the turn actually carry itself out. Rinse, wash, repeat.

I haven't really thought out all the ramifications of this type of gameplay - I just know I haven't encountered it myself so I was wondering if anyone else has.

Simultaneous turn-based mode - not too uncommon. It's an option in the later Warlords games and notably Dominions.

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