
Where can I find good how to draw tutorials on the net?

Started by June 02, 2008 12:28 AM
1 comment, last by aleisterbukowski 16 years, 9 months ago
I don't really do graphics, for I'm not a graphics major, designer whatever they call themselves I'm a programmer, but I do sketch and from what people have told me from my sketches they're not the best in the world, but they do have an artistic appeal to them. Most of them look horror and macab. Here is my deviantart account. A programmer actually has one unbelievable! As you can see there not the best and these are just sketches I took with a poor megapixel camera (not very mega if ya ask me) and I distorted, changed hue, or inverted the colors of the sketch, and added what I felt needed to be added. I'd like to see some of these in my game, for I'm finally ready in my game to add graphics and see what happens. Well, I'm looking for a site that can teach you how to make a 2d space ship (a good one don't mean rectangle + triangle) and all of it's sprites from collision, being damaged, blown up, etc... I'm willing to learn how to make one, for I don't have any money to hire an artist, and beyond that I would like to learn how to make my own graphics sort of a designed, programmed and illustrated my own game type of ego feel. Please help :)
Original post by aleisterbukowski
Here is my deviantart account. A programmer actually has one unbelievable!

There are professional software developers on this forum who have Deviant Art accounts. It is neither unbelievable nor particularly uncommon. Here's the first one that popped to mind.

Well, I'm looking for a site that can teach you how to make a 2d space ship (a good one don't mean rectangle + triangle) and all of it's sprites from collision, being damaged, blown up, etc...

You're not going to find anything that specific. It's not a useful skill - "I can make 2D spaceships!" What about when you want to make 2D cars, or 2D motorcycles, buildings, pedestrians, Vorticon aliens...?

What you should be looking for is a general article, tutorial or book recommendation on making 2D art. Google for "drawing tutorial" or "pixel art tutorial" and you should be on your way.

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