Quote:Original post by Kest ...A random example would be a "motivation" state. For a character example, a medic character could earn motivation by healing wounds, and could lose motivation over time, and/or by losing allies, and/or by having allies or oneself be attacked. The motivation state could add bonus points to the health that is restored through medical treatment, as well as temporarily boost several other skills and attributes.
I've been pondering a similar concept as part of my game idea, and think it definitely has potential. As others have pointed out though, it needs to be handled carefully.
As has been mentioned, the problem with a standard bar-that-fills-up approach is that the player will naturally feel that the bar being maxed out is the "correct" state of their character, and any reduction is a flaw to be corrected (assuming that the bar only ever decays slowly rather than an all-at-once drain like the adrenaline bar in Dark Messiah). While technically in this case the bar being empty is the absense of a buff rather than an actual status ailment, but if it's possible to maintain the buff at all times, the player will feel compelled to do so.
I think a good way to escape this perception is to add balance. Rather than having either no motivation (bar empty) or strong motivation (bar full), you add a whole extra length to the bar below what used to be empty, going all the way down to strong DEmotivation. What's more, rather than the bar decaying all the way to the bottom, it "decays" toward the middle. This changes the perception of the no-motivation state completely, making it appear neutral rather than bad. To further reinforce the balance, you can have the decay be stronger the further away their current rating is from neutral. This way, their rating will oscillate rather than simply drifting up.
This also opens up opportunities for adaptation based on other things such as character interection. Let's say that two characters form a strong bond over the course of the game. This could, for example, move their "neutral line" up by +10 when they're in the party together, giving them a higher rating on average over time.
The biorythm system in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is kind of like this, except the oscillation is too rigid and regular for my liking.