EULA... How?
Hello everyone!
some of you might have noticed my post in Help Wanted (Laurantine Cronicle). and my question is in regards to that.
at first my intention was to take a EULA from a existing MMO game and eddit/alter it to suit my needs, this though might not be the smartest idea out there.. as such my question to you.. How does one go about setting up a EULA?
my first intention was to leave out everything i didn't find relevant and just focus on the "this game and all things associated with it are not yours, so leave them alone part"... but I am honestly stumped on where to go on from there.
so if anyone could give me a example of a EULA or a guide to creating them (like a guide for writing a proper letter) i'd be eternally grateful.
You can take a look at this for some general information. I'd suggest getting a lawyer to help you draft your ToS and EULA.
~Mona Ibrahim
Senior associate @ IELawgroup (we are all about games) Interactive Entertainment Law Group
Senior associate @ IELawgroup (we are all about games) Interactive Entertainment Law Group
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