
EULA... How?

Started by April 04, 2008 05:19 PM
1 comment, last by Temko 16 years, 7 months ago
Hello everyone! some of you might have noticed my post in Help Wanted (Laurantine Cronicle). and my question is in regards to that. at first my intention was to take a EULA from a existing MMO game and eddit/alter it to suit my needs, this though might not be the smartest idea out there.. as such my question to you.. How does one go about setting up a EULA? my first intention was to leave out everything i didn't find relevant and just focus on the "this game and all things associated with it are not yours, so leave them alone part"... but I am honestly stumped on where to go on from there. so if anyone could give me a example of a EULA or a guide to creating them (like a guide for writing a proper letter) i'd be eternally grateful.
You can take a look at this for some general information. I'd suggest getting a lawyer to help you draft your ToS and EULA.

~Mona Ibrahim
Senior associate @ IELawgroup (we are all about games) Interactive Entertainment Law Group
thank you for the link.

and i will look into getting a lawyer for the composition of the ToS and EULA, among other things i was going to get a lawyer for anyhow.

thanks for the link, it was a good read.

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