Distinct lack of RED
Dear All
I am beginning to get into this Opengl stuff and after adapting lesson2 using components of Lesson3 from the tutorials I have stumbled across a problem.
It appears that in fullscreen mode there is a distinct lack of red on the screen.
What I mean is that I no longer have the square but have made my triangle toggle between full red and Red Green and Blue (one colour at each vertex) by pressing the F2 key however when I go into full screen mode the full red triangle disappears and only the Blue and Green colours are visible.
To sum up RED colour doesn''t work in full screen mode. Even when I run Lesson3.exe in full screen there is no RED.
Has anyone experianced this before?
Thanks for your help
If you run unaltered lesson 3 code you should see the top of the triangle as red. I know this probably doesn''t help you much but I thought I''d let you know
If you run unaltered lesson 3 code you should see the top of the triangle as red. I know this probably doesn''t help you much but I thought I''d let you know
Thanks for your reply Dave however when I run the unaltered code from lesson3 the same happends.
I can send you an email of the screen shots if anyone is interested.
I can send you an email of the screen shots if anyone is interested.
May 18, 2001 06:47 AM
I have the same problem with some opengl programs in fullscreen, not windowed mode. Win2k, nvidia vanta
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