
Pen and Paper Cartoonish drawings

Started by May 17, 2001 09:50 AM
7 comments, last by Supreme 23 years, 7 months ago
Hi! Is there anyone here who knows where I could get a tutorial on the web showing how to draw/paint marvel like comics? I want to refine my sketching ability. Thanks "What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
Well, for as many people who ask thisexact same question, I wish that only one took my advice. IN art, there really isnt anything that you can do to actully learn when you think about it. the only real way is to sit down and practice. My recomendation is to sit down, download pissloads of marvel comics and draw them over and over and over. eventually, you will start to do your own thing and you will have learned something, dont you think?

Practice is the only way to do it i think. yes, some books can give you theory but all tyou need that for is for math... you know, like physical rules and stuff. these arent that useful but a book on anatomy would go a long way to teach you. Just find something you like and go at it. eventually, you will come up with what you asked for and it will have been more so useful to you than trying to find anything on the subject. I initially started in the anime field, which i still do. The way i learned was very much like the meathod i just told you. practive from other people''s art. Im sure that someone else in here will provide you with some more useful info though, I personally dont know anything about tutorials but a lot of people think that i should write one..i dont know, should i ?

I am not text, I am not organized pixels, I am not killed by turning off your monitor, I am not isolated by turning off your computer. I just am.

Conshape Electronic Arts Millennium ED
Redwyrm Online

sure why not
Fantasy Edge :
If only it was that easy
Practice is necessary to become better, to become a master of your art. But you haveto start somewhere. And I don''t know any serious artist that became what they are without having first read some books, had some lessons, or been to a Fine Arts school...

To take an example, you can learn to use paint, paintbrushes, and canvas. But if you don''t know simple rules like balancing your picture, or using colours to create the illusion of depth, your pictures will have that "something is wrong, but what" feeling.
I used to think that by learning on my own, I was basically learning the hard way, which is something I prefer. But the fact is, by being on your own, you narrow your possibilities of discovering things. By learning from others, even if you don''t like it, even if you don''t agree (which I used to do systematically with my lecturers ) with others ideas, you give yourself the chance of discovering something that might be useful for you; you learn things that, unless you are some sort of genius, you wouldnt have figured out by yourself, or that you had perceived but couldnt explain ("funny, this picture looks so much cooler and alive with those colours, but why ?").

Learning by mimicry (sp?) is a valid approach, but very limited in scope. You will only learn a style, not a technique. And that, my friends, is a major difference.

If you learn techniques, you can keep those you like, dismiss those you don''t, and end up with your own unique style. If you only copy, you develop your own style too, but by a very different approach, which, IMHO, is quite at loss compared to what you could have got with a bit less pride (well, in my case I think it come down to that ).

I know at least one tutorial online, but I''d advise to go for lessons. There is nothing like learning from someone that is showing you "how it''s done". It doesnt matter if you dont like the person, if you dont like the techniques they use, all that matters is that it gives you a strong basis to grow your own talent from.

Youpla :-P
-----------------------------Sancte Isidore ora pro nobis !
The only thing tutorials could help you with are things like proportions and perspective etc... But as Fantasy Edge and ahw already said, to get good at it practice is the only way.

There are drawing tutorials but the only I know are concentrated on manga. and is quite good.
also, you good check out, a huge community for artists drawing fantasy and sci fi pictures.

+--My humble and superior homepage
Okay, I know what you mean all and thats what I am doing right now I am drawing something everyday and look into magazines and try to do different parts of my characters based on others techniques (ie.: the eyes, the nose, the hands,etc.)

Why I asked this question was more for the proportions thing because what I want to know is if I have the right proportions or not... do I have a good technique/approach to make my proportions and if yes is there something I could do to make it better.

I am living in montreal,canada and I dont know much people who are drawing. If I knew some of course I would ask them first to teach me some tricks And the other problem is : I dont have a scanner either... so I cannot send my drawing over the net on the forums to ask you guys what you think about it.

Thank you very much for the links you gave me. The one at Karmatoons looks pretty interresting, I should read it tonite or tommorow morning.

As soon as I get a scanner, Ill show you my wannabe masterpieces lol

"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
You need the book how to draw the marvel way.


Things like "how to draw the Marvel way" wont help you unless you already understand anatomy, perspective and balance. All of the books I have read are writen as if you already know about all of these things. You could try going to a local art class, they have them in most places. Books on anatomy are definatly helpful and a good place to start.

I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it.

Edited by - Vapour on May 24, 2001 1:11:14 AM
I don''t suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it. -Vapour
Is there any of theses books online ? or at least what is the name of them... I could find them on for sure.

Thank you all for your priceless help.

"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"
"What is best for a Quote than this : BLANK"

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