
good 2D engine

Started by March 02, 2008 11:54 PM
7 comments, last by Bearrick92 16 years, 11 months ago
Hey i wanna make a small 2D rpg game sorta like final fantasy, but i dont wanna use that crappy rpg xp anyone know a good 2D engine or anykind of engine i can use?
If you want to program the game yourself, Haaf's Game Engine(C++) is supposedly good, but I've never used it personally.

If you want a program like RPG Maker that does the programming for you, but just want more flexibillity than RPG Maker, you might try GameMaker. It's fairly flexible, although at first glance it can appear limited.
I've been using Haaf's Game Engine. Very easy and well documented, you might try SDL as well.
Try, try and fucking try again.
If you're after something point-and-click, you could try Game Maker, Adventure Game Studio, or Game Creator (I've no personal experience with the latter and have no idea of it's capabilities however).

If you're after a proper engine to program yourself XNA is excellent for use with C#, PyGame is good for Python users, and HGE (linked above) or The PopCap Framework are good choices for C++. If you're using a language other than those let us know and we can make some recommendations.

- Jason Astle-Adams

Also have a look at:

It costs $100
There is also BlitzMax at about $80. It has an included Open GL library and can be compiled to run on the Mac as well as Linex. Its also BASIC basied but has a lot more functionality and speed over VB.
There is also ika,
There is the Sphere game engine that was is supposed to be made for RPG development, although it looks more like a game-oriented &#106avascript IDE to me... Also it seems to be dead. RPG Maker XP and VX probably killed it since they use a scripting system AND are easy to pick up for beginners unlike free RPG engines like Sphere, IKA, Verge, etc...

There is also RPG Toolkit but I really can't suggest that one. Unlike Sphere, Ika and stuff, it is specialized in JRPG development and the only thing you have to script is the event triggers, but that thing is the less user friendly interface I've experienced besides GIMP and emacs. It is messy and buggy. It has inherent support for isometric graphics, but like everything else, I suppose it is sloppy and glitchy. Like I said, I really can't suggest RPG Toolkit. I'm mentioning it for completeness.

Unfortunately for you, RPG Maker XP and VX are the best RPG development software. If you're rejecting them because it's a "kid's engine" then you should seriously reconsider. If there's one thing I learned from all my time GD'ing, it's that the players don't give a flying *beeeeeep* how the game was made. Unless you want to use isometric graphics or advanced graphical effects like 3D, deformation, "mode7" (I know these can be done with RPG Maker but it is too slow) you should use it.
well i have looked at blitz and i am already planning to buy torque, but i think blitz might work well with the kind of game i wanna make. plus i already know some of the scripting.

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