
Model animations

Started by February 07, 2008 05:37 PM
1 comment, last by BCullis 16 years, 10 months ago
Hello! This is the first time I have made models for a video game and I was wondering if I need to make a new file for every motion.(run,jump,shoot, etc.) Also if you have any references for a Halo spartan like person, while not actually being a spartan, please feel free to contribute. Thanks Peter
Quote: Original post by Moonboy333
This is the first time I have made models for a video game and I was wondering if I need to make a new file for every motion.(run,jump,shoot, etc.)

You don't need to do that, but doing so will probably be easier to work with. At least it's more explicit: a separate file means a separate animation.

However, that doesn't mean that the final format should work like that, it's just that it can be easier to work with from a modellers point of view. For example, take using layers in Photoshop: the final image will be flat, but layers make images much easier to modify, so a smart artist will always keep the source files around.
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It depends on what you're exporting the model into, I've worked with an engine before where the lead requested all animations in-line (i.e. frames 1-10 were idle animation, frames 11-40 were walk cycle 1, 41-70 walk cycle 2, etc). I believe the engine simply used the model's information list to pull up specific frame ranges when each animation was called.

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