
religion in the forums?!?!

Started by May 11, 2001 11:36 PM
201 comments, last by khawk 23 years, 9 months ago
I have evidence that will prove this once and for all!
I can prove EVERYTHING to ALL of you without a shadow
of a doubt who is right, who is tight, and who is blind!
I have it all on me website, with supporting evidence
from NASA, the Bible, and even StarWars!
Evidence that can change the entire world and how
everything, even our legal system works! The world will
change for the better and we can end out petty religous

However, I am not going to show you the evidence because
you will refuse to listen.
Anyways I just thought of something else, if dinosaurs were killed during the flood, and many, if not most dinosaurs were aquatic, yet all the fish lived...
How does that #$*#ing make sense?

When did God create time, and how long did it take?
think about it

Why would the bible say it took six days to create the universe, if it took 6 periods of time. How can something take "6 periods of time?" It is either a long period of time or a short period of time, or somewhere in between, but you can''t start specifically numbering undefined periods of time.

LOL on the site the author wonders why nobody wants to debate with him. Wow what a tough question, it''s like a six-year-old asking to debate with the president, they have better things to do. (not to imply that all Christians are like six-year-olds, actually I guess I am implying that, sorry )

If evolution is not true(it is contradicted by the bible, theistic evolution religions are religions that branch off from the Bible in order to support evolution) then how can the way things adapt to their environment be explained? E.g. people in africa have dark skin to prevent skin cancer because the sun shines on africa more directly, and the different types of dogs who obviously have the same ancestor but who developed different traits, e.g. huskies have warmer coats to survive in the winter, some dogs shed in the summer in regions with varying weather, but some dogs don''t have to.
I''ve made no assumptions or presumptions. I only acknowledge the possibilities. And as far as predestined, that means to me that my decisions are not my own. My decision to post this message this evening was not my own decision. It was predetermined to occur long before I was born. I don''t believe that. It was my choice, and I could have chosen not to post. The fact that some being could possibly see into the future and know what I would ultimately decide to do does not change the fact that it was my choice to begin with. If that same being were also my omnipotent creator who gave me free will still does not change that fact.

There is a difference between a higher being knowing what everyone is going to do and that higher being making the decision himself as to what everyone is going to do. I just do not agree with you that knowing the future makes that future predestined. If that is what you believe, then we''ll just have to agree to disagree. It''s all academic anyways because I also do not believe there is any being who knows even a sliver of what the future is going to bring for any of us, near or far. But I do believe that it is healthy to intelligently debate our beliefs and disbeliefs too.
Original post by David20321

BTW if man was created in God''s image...
why aren''t we flying omnipotent invisible men?
where did women come from?
Is God transexual?
Where did Black people come from?
Or if God was Black, where did White people come from?
Why would God have legs and arms?
Where does God go to the bathroom?
Why do we have toes? (just wondering what they''re good for to a God, unless he wanted to be able to count to 20)
Why would we be slower and weaker than most other animals?

Heh, the bible parody I posted brings that up, to quote him: "When God created Adam, he made Adam to look slightly like him and also the same with Eve. Apparently God is a very odd looking individual." .

Resist Windows XP''s Invasive Production Activation Technology!

Raskell, I''m just pointing out that knowledge of the future means it''s predestined. If somebody knows exactly what you are going to do, no matter how hard you try you can''t do something else. Do you agree? If not, try to do something that you aren''t going to do.
Well David, are we talking about someone knowing what your future is going to be, or YOU knowing what your future is going to be? If I jump into a time machine, look into tomorrow, and see that when you cross the street at exactly 9:32AM, you will be hit and killed by a drunk driver. If I keep that information to myself, the event will occur. Does that mean you were predestined to die? If I then pass this information on to you, are you still going to step across the street at that exact time? Even if you thought I were a raving lunatic, your desire for self preservation would at least dictate you look for that drunk driver as you cross the street, and provide the possibility that you see him coming and avoid impending doom.

It is logically impossible for a person to know their future in detail, as the knowledge itself would inevitably alter that future, so you are asking me to perform a task in a situation that logically can not exist. There is an inherent flaw in the basis of your claim that knowledge of the future corrollates into that future being predestined. We''re talking about pardoxes here. You know, if you go back in time and kill your father before you were born, then you could never have been born, which then means you could never have gone back in time and killed your father, so you were indeed born. See the problem with what you are asking? Just because I can''t do what you are asking me to do doesn''t mean that omniscience is predestined, because even within the context of free will, it cannot logically be done.
I do not believe that the person who knows the future will have free will either, they will know exactly what THEY are going to end up doing, and they won''t be able to do anything about it. The future will obviously take into account what the person who knows the future is going to do, otherwise he''s not seeing the future. I hope I''m not being confusing...
If you know I''m going to get hit by the car, then that is predestined. It is going to happen. If anything is without a doubt GOING to happen then it is predestined. Since people (there might be exceptions, I don''t know) generally can''t be absolutely certain of anything, it is not predestined. If somebody does no exactly what will happen no matter what, taking into account what this person does, everything that happens is predestined. Therefore if God exists, since he knows everything, everything is predestined.

Sooo, you want to know why we use around 10% of our
brain? It seems that this fact was misinterpreted.

We use a small fraction of out brain for THINKING.
Look at it this way;
Do you have to manually examine every image
that is given to your brain from or eyes to sift
through the image and determine what everything is?
Do you have to think-out depth perception? Do you
have to control each eye manually?

There answers to all the questions and more.. NO!

So, what DOES preform that incredibly complex actions?

Your brain. Of course, if you brain was tied up doing
these task constantly, you wouldn''t be able to think.
So, your brain is divided into segments which preform
different actions, like vision interpretation and motor
function control. Then, you have a segment for thinking.
Not the whole brain. If you thought with the whole think,
you wouldn''t be able to *understand* what you are seeing,
or understand what you are hearing! You would see SOMETHING,
you would see colors, but you wouldn''t be able to figure
out what objects are IN the image because you wouldn''t
have a brain function devoted to that task.

If you want to know what I am talking about, try to
write an image recognition program. One that can sort
out every object in the picture at 120fps, and do it
in any lighting and any angle. Then you will realize
why we are left with such a small portion of our
minds for our own thoughts.
How come when it gets to be late at night (where I am at least) the brain doesn''t function as clearly as it usually does? Random question that I think I might have already asked but anyways I''m sleepy so how long did it take God to create time? How could he decide to create time? It would never happen, without time nothing can happen. Don''t give me any BS about God isn''t bound by rules, if he isn''t how come he can''t make that impossible rock thing happen. I hope I might be making sense but if im not its probably because im sleepy and have been sitting in front of the computer emailing ppl and replying to this thread and programming and my brain is being fried by excess computer radiation. OH yeah how does God explain the radiation from the big bang? Why did he create radon? Why did he make Chernobyl blow up? Did he let Hiroshima be destroyed because they were heretics? What kind of benevolent God would send everyone he doesn''t like to eternal damnation? That''s #(*$ing worse than hitler, at least all he did was kill a few million people, but apparently God lets maybe 5 billion ppl go to hell every year when he could stop it with zero effort because he can do anything right?


P.S. Frapazoid if someone made a robot that could do that you could call him adam and say you created him in your image and then make eve and a digital apple and then you could turn into a snake and tell your robot to eat it and if he does send it and all other robots to hell. Your created in God''s image remermber u might as well act like it. That would be cool. Goodnight.

Now, about the flood. There is no such thing as proof of a global flood. On the contrary - it is easy to prove it never took place.

Um, how about those really old trees in Egypt, and the fact that their rings are further apart (indicating more growth) at the time when the flood is thought to have happened?.... perhaps there were a few years of really good farming?


1) Where did all the biomass go? If the flood actually happened, there should be a huge strata of corpses in a solid layer.

Things which are in water do not form fossils, only things which are buried form fossils.... for sea creatures to form fossils, normally it only happens when something falls on them giving them a sudden burial. Otherwise the water will pull them apart as they float around.


2) Where did all the water go? Water that reaches above mountains has to go somewhere - it cannot just disappear, unless the god of course drank it

How much water would you have really needed to cover the area? Not that much. The flood didn''t cover the whole of Earth, that would be crazy. But it did cover all of the world known to the writers.


3) How did Mr. Noah fit all the 10 million species of animals on a little ark? Or did he just bring some? Where did the rest come from then? Evolution ?

How many species of animal are there over in that area? How many of those are (or were) unique to that area? Talk about kangaroos and other stuff is stupid, like Noah is somehow going to get down to Australia... if the bible was stupid enough to claim that Noah travelled the entire world in seven periods of time then, yes, you would be quite right... however it doesn''t.


That, plus that there is no evidence for a flood, should be enough to convince anyone. But oh no. The xian pamphlets says there is evidence for the flood, so it''s gotta be true

As for God creating time... God is outside of time. We are inside time, and all the other dimensions. God is outside of them. That is no BS about not being bound by our rules... it is just the way it is.

I know that this isn''t one of the current "hot topics" but, Christians want to go to church. So, when you say that a Christian wastes their life if they go to church and God isn''t real.... they are doing what they love to do, so it isn''t really a waste of their lives (since you claim to be doing what you love to do too)

Personally, I believe that evolution created humans, and (sorry if I offend anyone) I often think that the creationists who believe that the universe was created in 6, 24 hour days are a bit weird. But that is not what Christianity is about so I''ll leave that

But, I also don''t see anything wrong about creationism, it just seems like a weird way to do things, although I believe that my intelligence is nothing compared to God''s. I don''t think I would put some light in space which is mid journey from the farthest galaxies just so we can see it today and claim it is proof... if God did create the entire universe, how hard would it be to put a tiny bit of light in space so we could see some galaxies?

Anyway, it seems that a lot of the Christians have had to do a lot of explaining, and that''s fine... well, it''s fine by me . So I ask you to explain what happened 2000 odd years ago when Jesus was born, assuming that God did not exist.

Trying is the first step towards failure.
Trying is the first step towards failure.

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