
good computer for programming with dx10?

Started by January 26, 2008 02:53 PM
1 comment, last by hplus0603 16 years, 8 months ago
so i just finished building my first computer. what do you think, good for programming with directx10 CPU: intel core 2 duo e6700 overclocked to 3.55Ghz Motherboard: EVGA nforce 680i SLI Memory: Crucial Ballistix tracter 1066mhz Graphics card: EVGA geforce 8800GTX x2 in sli Sound Card: Creative Fatal1ty Extreme Championship Hard Drive: Seagate Barracude 7,200 RPM 500GB x 2 in raid 0 how well do you think this will do as far as directx10 will go? btw my 3dmark06 score with this was a little shy of 13,000 but wasn't able to post results, futuremark wouldn't let me, apparantly false key even though its the trial version
Well, the GPU supports DX10, so yes, it does seem like a good ocmputer for programming with DX10.
Quote: intel core 2 duo e6700 overclocked to 3.55Ghz

Wait, you're buying TWO graphics cards, and don't swing for at least an E6850?

For programming, I'd much rather have faster hard drives (10,000 rpm) and CPU (quad-core, ideally) than dual graphics cards. Dual graphics cards just allow you to use more fill rate, which doesn't matter at all to programming.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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