Original post by Sneftel
You've limited yourself to two options: Continuing a monumentally expensive and questionably useful degree program, or dropping out of school altogether. Unlimit yourself.
Also, you may as well mention the particular college. Others among us may have had experience either going there or evaluating applicants who have.
The name of the school is Collins College. And yes, as Ravy said, they do indeed have a T.V. commercial; And I assure you, had I seen it earlier than I had in the admission process, I would have stopped then and there.
You're correct though in how there's other choices besides either wasting money on a potentially useless degree or no college at all, such as the Computer Science degree that a lot of other folks mentioned. That, and I would definitely prefer a traditional college atmosphere to the whole 'training' thing most of the schools dealing in this area (including this one) fall under.
Original post by OrangyTang
I'm confused - you're attending a design school, which implies you want to be a game designer. But you also mention you'll be programming some stuff for a portfolio, which implies you're after a programming position. Which is it?
Oddly, it seems to be both. There's a few courses in general art, 3D modeling, and some C++. When I say both though, I mean the watered down basics of the basics. Which is another reason I'm more than wary of this school, as I already know a decent amount of programming and can draw fairly well. In my opinion, of course, haha.
The only reason why I'm here, in light of that, really does seem to get that degree. Since I do realize, as many of you have said, most companies won't make many exceptions for folks without degrees, killer portfolio or otherwise.
I have been leaning towards a CS degree though. It's certainly worth a look into now!
Anyway, thank you so very much for your input! This is a huge help for me~