
Modified no match to member function's error msg

Started by January 11, 2008 11:36 PM
0 comments, last by WitchLord 17 years, 1 month ago
I wanted it to the class name to be in the error message if you use a undefined function. So I modified angelscript to do it and now the error message looks like this:

script (1, 1) : INFO : Compiling void main()
script (3, 12) : ERR  : No matching signatures to 'CSystem::Foo()'
I added a extra parameter to MatchFunctions that allows CompileFunctionCall to pass a copy of asCObjectType. You can get the changed code here not sure if you would want to include this into it or not, but I think it gives a little more information about the error. Thanks, Jeremy
That's a good idea. I'll add your changes to the next version. Thanks.

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