NegativeGeForce, if you aren't willing to accept the correct answer to your question, the only answers available to you will be incorrect answers. So here is an incorrect answer for you: ya, sure, go ahead, its fare use if u dont make any money from it and u can say its a parady. Do what you will with that incorrect answer.
I wouldn't be that sure about mod's not being notice, in fact, quake 3 had a dragonballz mod named Bid For Power. They were forced to change all the models and characters names or else they'd be sued. This could also happen to you ;)! The chance is small but trust me, you don't want to be in your shoes when it happens :P <-- you know you wanna see my 2D Engine which supports DirectX and OpenGL or insert your renderer here :)
Once apon a time in a land far far away there was a UT mod called Jeep Rampage(or something along those lines) that used models of real Jeep Products.
Never heard of it? Never seen it? thats because it was release in ONE very obscure location was downloaded about 15 times and within two hours the person the posted it got a cease and desist order from the Jeep legal department.
The point is DO NOT USE THINGS THAT DON'T BELONG TO YOU. If you don't like the answer then do what you want.
Oh, and one more thing mods don't normally make money. Once you start selling your fictitious parts for real money you will most likely be getting something in the mail about your game.
I agree with the others. There are various reasons why the various mods don't get into trouble but the main one is that the IP owner hasn't found out about them yet (because they aren't well known outside their own small set of fans). Some companies do allow non-commercial use of their IP but you need to ask first or you risk a legal letter and possibly legal action. As you say there are lots of mods that haven't been caught but also lots that have.