
Flying Caesar

Started by December 28, 2007 04:59 AM
208 comments, last by Wai 14 years, 9 months ago
Deterioration Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character steps toward the end of its life.

C = Character
T = The caregiver of C, T and C could be the same
S = A sign of health of C
P = The purpose of existence of C
M = Mission that is within the expected ability of C pertaining to the P
I = Incident beyond the expected ability of C

Template Outline:
0.1 - T checks and maintains the health of C
0.3 - M comes. C is to do M
0.5 - C is doing M but I occurs
0.7 - C solves I and saves the day
0.9 - T checks C and knows that C has deteriorated
1.0 - Inevitable Ending ( T accepts that C is aging with or without I )
Investigation Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character finds the cause of a problem

C = Character
P = Problem
H1 = Hypothesis 1
H2 = Hypothesis 2
H3 = Hypothesis 3

Template Outline:
0.1 - C sees or recounts P and decides to investigate
0.3 - C comes to H1 and tests it
0.5 - C comes to H2 and tests it
0.7 - C comes to H3 and tests it
0.9 - C gets the whole picture and forms a conclusion
1.0 - Awareness Ending ( C now knows more about P )
Halloween Episode Template

Episode Role:

G = Group of characters
P = Party/gathering/game with costumes
M = Missing members of G
S = Spooky events
X = Treasure/Reward

Template Outline:
0.1 - It is Halloween. G decides to have P
0.3 - G shows up to P with costumes, but M is missing
0.5 - G spreads to find M and S starts to happen
0.7 - S reaches its maximum
0.9 - G reunites and finds M and X.
1.0 - Happy Ending
Job Function Intro Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character learns about the work of another character

J = Job function
C = Character that is inquiring
M = Character who is a master of J
P = Purpose/context/overview of J
S = Essential skill that is fundamental to higher skills of J
E = Event that requires the advanced performance of S

Template Outline:
0.1 - C meets M and asks about J
0.3 - J explains P, C is interested to learn more
0.5 - J explains S, C learns and tries S
0.7 - E occurs. M performs S at high level while C observes
0.9 - E is resolved and C admires M's abilities.
1.0 - Appreciative Ending ( C learns enough about J to appreciate M's role )
Top-Bottom Ripple Discovery Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character collects bottom pieces and discovers a pattern connecting them to an upper level of knowledge.

C = Character
T = Top level goal
B = Bottom level goal
P = Bottom level pieces
U = Usage of P in achieving T

Template Outline:
0.1 - C faces a T that appears untractable
0.3 - C identifies B, which is an essential element of T
0.5 - C collects many P
0.7 - C Organize P
0.9 - C discovers U, T is not longer untractable
1.0 - Confident Ending ( C learns the method to solve T )
Struggling Chance Episode Template

Episode Role:
A group tackles a problem so grand that even
with diligent preparation the character only gets
a chance to succeed against the odds.

G = Group of characters
E = Event/Engagement
M = Mission/Objective
P = Plan/Prepration for E
F = Favorable/tolerated conditions for P
U = Unfavorable conditions for P
D = Debilitating events

Template Outline:
0.1 - G recounts P and evidence of F. G is confident.
0.3 - D occurs and leads to U. G is disturbed.
0.5 - No further preparation is possible. G gathers itself and goes to E.
0.7 - G is in E. D continues to occur. E could result in either way.
0.9 - G triumphs by staying with M and exerting extra effort.
1.0 - Humble, Exerted but United Ending ( G is united by the shared struggle )
Disappointment Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character is disappointed.

C = Character
D = Desire of C
G = Goal pertaining to D that C expects
A = Activity that C chooses to reach G
R = Result that apparently defies G, but is equivalent to or better than D

Template Outline:
0.1 - C has D and identifies G
0.3 - C finds A that could lead to G
0.5 - C preprares for A with great confidence and expectation
0.7 - C does A but gets R instead, C is disappointed
0.9 - Audience knows the value of R that beyond awareness of C
1.0 - Anticipative Ending ( Audience anticipates C recognizing that D is met )
Relocation Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character relocates from location L1 to L2.

C = Character(s)
L1 = Original location
L2 = New location
P = Path from L1 to L2
B = Obstacle

Template Outline:
0.1 - C packs up and say goodbye to L1
0.3 - C gives an overview of P
0.5 - C meets B while on P
0.7 - C overcomes B
0.9 - C reaches L2 and settles
1.0 - Harmonious Ending ( C gets rest and ready for a new day in L2 )
Motivative Loss Episode Template

Episode Role:
A character is motivated to do something because it experienced loss from previous inaction.

C = Character
S = Situation/Circumstance

Template Outline:
0.1 - C recalls an S where inaction caused loss
0.3 - C is in emotional numbness
0.5 - S occurs again. C recalls previous S again
0.7 - C chooses to associate the previous S with loss
0.9 - C acts
1.0 - Liveliness Ending ( C returns to the world with feelings )
Rendezvous Episode Template

Episode Role:
Two characters meet at a rendezvous.

C1 = Character 1
C2 = Character 2
R = Rendezvous point
T = Task to be done at R
E = An unexpected event

Template Outline:
0.1 - C1 anticipates the meeting at R
0.3 - Everything is according to plan, C1 rehearses T
0.5 - E occurs and threatens T
0.7 - C1 solves E while staying on course for R
0.9 - C1 succeeds and arrive at R, still able to do T
1.0 - Close-call Ending ( C1 almost messed up )

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