
Autodesk Maya or 3D Studio Max?

Started by December 07, 2007 06:45 AM
9 comments, last by Rockin 17 years, 2 months ago
Hi guys. Im new to the whole 3d modelling scene. infact, i know nothing about it. Out of maya and 3ds, which one should i learn and are there any good books for it?
Try Blender. It's free.
But out of the 3, which one would u pick?
Cuz my brother has all 3 on his pc and is willing 2 let me use em on his pc.
So price isnt a problem.
I want quality.
All the above and there are tons of books on all three.

The artist, not the tool, makes quality. I'm being serious here. It doesn't matter, just pick one.
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It's just like anything else. Use what feels best to you. I have been using Maya in school for class and have touched Blender a few times. I feel Maya is easier to use and understand.

As long as they can model you should just use whichever one makes most sense to you. If one way works best for you over another you will do better than one that doesn't. Even if it is technically more powerful.
Original post by zer0wolf
All the above and there are tons of books on all three.

The artist, not the tool, makes quality. I'm being serious here. It doesn't matter, just pick one.

I agree especially since 3dmax has copied maya for the last several versions it's almost identical to maya now so it won't make a difference now--unless you are only running a powerpc mac since 3dmax is windows only.
And there is now a ton of books and websites,support,etc for all 3 now so just pick one and start creating stuff.
It's the only way you'll ever learn if you are any good and if not get practice so that you at least get decent at one of them.
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Isn't Autodesk used for computer aided design rather than making artwork?
Original post by Ezbez
Isn't Autodesk used for computer aided design rather than making artwork?

Autodesk is a company
Ah, well then I guess my question doesn't even make sense...
Original post by Ezbez
Ah, well then I guess my question doesn't even make sense...

AutoDesk makes Cad/AutoCad, which is probably what you're thinking since that is used for manufacturing and industrial design. But yeah, Autodesk is a company itself, with 3ds Max being a large leader in 3d modeling for all kinds of applications.
As for the op's question, as has been said, pick which one you feel most comfortable with. As i have said in the past, once you learn how to model using one program it is then rather easy to switch to another. So the truth is, it does not really matter which you start with.
-------------------------Only a fool claims himself an expert

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