
Skybox techniques

Started by May 05, 2001 10:16 AM
0 comments, last by aleks_1661 23 years, 9 months ago
What is the best way to create a skybox for a space based game? The way i am working at the moment is (using 3dstudio max) to create a large sphere cover it with a generic star texture and use smaller spheres in side the larger one and teture them as planets. Then render a view from 6 cameras, up, down, left, right, front, back, with 90 degree field of views. Then in my game i create a large box, and map these textures onto it. This works for the most part, the textures fit nicely and it looks like your in a sphere instead of a cube, BUT, however much i try, it looks tooo close. it looks like the stars are close to me as opposed to being 1000000''s of miles away. i have tried making the stars smaller or the textures bigger but nothing helps. What is the best method of achieving the effect. the bg''s in homeworld were brilliant!! but i cant get close. help me!

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Website: (Closed for maintainance and god knows what else)

If you need a bit more information about skybox''s visit
Click Advanced Tutorials and do a search for skybox.
There are some interesting tutorials there also take a visit to which is a specialised program for creating them.

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