BMFont: Path to images
BMFont is just getting better and better all the time. Excellent work. Can the paths for the images in the .bmfc file be stored relative to the location of the .bmfc file? We usually have multiple copies of our project in different directories (latest version in one directory, branch for a build in a different directory), and having absolute paths in the .bmfc uses image files from the wrong directory, or if the original directory no longer exists, it silently drops the images from the configuration. -- Sly
A reasonable request. I'll add this to the to-do list.
I'm happy to hear you're continuing to use BMFont. And I'm hopeful you'll start using AngelScript in your upcoming projects as well. (hint)
I'm happy to hear you're continuing to use BMFont. And I'm hopeful you'll start using AngelScript in your upcoming projects as well. (hint) - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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