
3DS MAX 3/4 objekt loading

Started by April 28, 2001 12:13 PM
6 comments, last by Maniac2001 23 years, 9 months ago
Hi can anyone help me? i need a sampel prog + code for loading and render a 3ds MAX 3 or 4 Objekt!!! I hope that someone can help me... =)
You have to export your object from within max, there are several formats to choose from: ase, obj, vrml... Then you have to parse them, this is quite easy, since they are all text based (especially Wavefront''s OBJs). Another option is to write your own exporter plugin, then you can directly export in your own format. Directly loading *.max files is impossible, since they require max intern code to process, are _extremely_ complex and contain executable code themselves (that require direct access to max internal API''s again).

take a look at:



i found a direct .3ds file export source code (just to load it directly in a opengl scene without my own format)
if you want i can sent it to you
Maniac, please bung this code on a server so we can all download it, please!!
<---Uses Milkshape code from NeHe tutorial which means....
Exporting to 3ds, loading into milkshape, exporting to Milksahpe Ascii, then modifying ascii text (for texture locations) then imporing bak into mikshape, then fianlly exporting to milkshapr
IE....takes ages

PS. Please xcuse typos (Just bak from pub)

mhhh ok i make a hp but i will have finished it in some hours .....
(but today its finished)
my site is up and the source code for the 3ds max file loading too!
Cheerz for da source
Also, in my previous post, I made it sound like Nehe''s tutorial was err, rubbish or summin, they''re NOT!
It''s probably just that I take the long way around when importing .3DS files to Milkshape format to preserve the textures or summin.
TerraX (Newbie OpenGL lover from England)

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