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[4E6] "Jed, Ted & Fred" [Withdrawn]

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38 comments, last by dmoonfire 16 years, 6 months ago
Hi Chris,
I found this link


with hundreds of posters printed during/around 1880. This gives me a good picture of what fonts looked like.

I need to look at Egyptian style samples...I found one sample...but not sure if that is what you meant.


I've moved the official tracking of my 4E6 entry to a Community Project thread over at www.gameinstitute.com. I've been a student there for nearly 2 years and I am heavily involved with that smaller community. Registration is free (sorry for the inconvenience). You can check it out at the following link.


The only real barrier I see to completing the 4E6 challenge, besides those things that pop up in life, are three 4-week long game programming contests that will occur during this 6 month timeframe (start mid-Nov, mid-Jan and mid-Mar). If this 4E6 is coming along nicely I may excuse myself from some of them.

I will post screenshots here if I get that far. =)

My game has a title now as well as a draft "to do" list. It's big. I've been poking around gamedev, gi, cgempire and ags forums looking for some folks to help with writing, graphics and sound. I even approached our local homeschooling group. I can't imagine doing this all myself in the next 5 months. Anyway, I'll give it a go.

4E6 Game Development Checklist – General Tasks

No. Task
1 Write backstory.
2 Specify game genre.
3 Identify key characters (names, purpose).
4 Specify graphic style and scale.
5 Define size of game world.
6 Define scale of world to pixels.
7 Define main play screen look.
8 Define all actions to be performed by player.
9 Define time line and time progression (normal speed, fast speed?).
10 Specify main game formula (its a get rich game).
11 Define hotkeys for all routine actions.
12 Specify mouse behavior in terms of control.
13 Describe connection points for telegraph, railroad and roads.
14 Design game with consideration to artwork, writing, game play, events and sounds.
15 Define winning and losing.
16 Explain why this game is fun, who is it targeting and why they will play again?
17 Define all required static objects (buildings, trees, bridges,etc.)
18 Specify file types and formats.
19 Identify tools (existing and those requiring development).
20 Assign tasks (if working as a team).

Programming Tasks

No. Task
1 Move building from toolbox to location on ground (show ghost image).
2 Rotate building (as ghost image) with user input.
3 Lay out reference lines for train track.
4 Automatically determine railroad track based upon reference lines.
5 Create moving stream.
6 Create context sensitive sound control.
7 Move screen around world...with Jed in center.
8 Tie objects with animations and physical geometry.
9 Create data file format for game world landscape (creeks, hills, flat spaces).
10 Create object data files, associated graphics, geometry.
11 Create physics detection to prevent buildings being placed upon other buildings or hills.
12 Add bridge across creek.
13 Save game data.
14 Reload game data and continue game where left off.
15 Create time based events (revenue and expenses every few ticks).
16 Create INI file that specifics game loading/play behavior.
17 Create high score data file.
18 Create data entry from program screen during introduction.
19 Create main menu.
20 Create configuration screen. Allow user to specify some controls.
21 Create scrolling credits screen.
22 Create AI...point to point, back and forth.
23 Create AI...multiple waypoints.
24 Create AI that is responsive to events.

Dialog, Narratives, Backstory

No. Task
1 Write introductory narrative explaining the game.
2 Write news flashes.
3 Write various dialog bits for laborers mining for gold.
4 Write various dialog bits for miners (grumbling, weather,etc.)
5 Write various dialog bits for children playing.
6 Write various dialog bits for people passing buy.
7 Write comments made my accountant in disgust. He hates everything.
8 Write suggestions made my accountant to player (player is Jed).
9 Write running away in panic comments by accountant (he's a coward).

Sprites, Animations, Textures, Buttons

No. Task
1 Create animated laborer (panning in the river).
2 Create animated miner entering and leaving mine.
3 Create animated pony walking pulling a load.
4 Create accountant walking.
5 Create accountant looking up at playerful with a perturbed look.
6 Create accountant shaking his head in disgust.
7 Create accountant running.
8 Create tents.
9 Create creek-side panning station.
10 Create camp fire.
11 Create bunkroom.
12 Create company store.
13 Create warehouse.
14 Create toolshed.
15 Create mining entrance (opened and closed).
16 Create dust explosion from entrance of mine.
17 Create sherrif walking.
18 Create sherrif shooting.
19 Create sherrif riding a horse.
20 Create accountant looking up at playerful with a perturbed look.
21 Create Jed walking.
22 Create Jed stopping and talking.
23 Create Jed riding a horse.
24 Create wagon.
25 Create mining car.
26 Create mining track (straight, 45 and 90 degree turns, intersection).
27 Create railroad.
28 Create train engine.
29 Create train car.
30 Create coal car.
31 Create depot.
32 Create water effects.
33 Create landscape (flat).
34 Create hill terrain.
35 Create map overlay.
36 Create toolbox and tool tiles.
37 Create actual sprite for buildings and transparent ones for dragging.
38 Create gunfire smoke cloud (pistols).
39 Create train engine smoke.
40 Create train engine steam.
41 Create trees (various autum colors, sizes and types).
42 Create flying birds.
43 Create animated grazing cows.
44 Create animated walking dog.
45 Create animated chickens.
46 Create bags simulating supplies.
47 Create 3 size crates (small, medium and large).
48 Create telegraph poles and lines.
49 Create telegraph office.
50 Create blacksmith building.
51 Create family homes.
52 Create domestic objects (clothesline, fence, garden).
53 Create animated women walking between homes and store.
54 Create animated children playing.
55 Create roads.
56 Create explosions (external to mine).
57 Create bridges.
58 Create opening graphics.
59 Create opening cutscene (if possible).
60 Create lumbermill.
61 Create outhouses.
62 Create bathhouse.
63 Create saloon.
64 Create hotel.
65 Create mule carrying supplies.
66 Create stagecoach.
67 Create doctor's office.
68 Create animated doctor.
69 Create cemetery for hill.
70 Create grave markers.
71 Create tree stumps.
72 Create animated miner with pick axe.

Sound Effects, Vocals, Music

No. Task
1 Create introductary music.
2 Create closing credit music.
3 Create game play music loops (3). (1880 style...violin, banjo, guitar).
4 Create mining explosion sound effect.
5 Create laborer chatter.
6 Create miner chatter.
7 Create animal sounds (ponies, cows, chickens, birds).
8 Create gun fire.
9 Create vocals related to gun battle.
10 Create vocals related to panning for gold.
11 Create morse code sounds for telegraph office.
12 Create sound effects for cash register (adding revenue).
13 Create good news sound effect.
14 Create bad news sound effects.
15 Create train whistle.
16 Create train running noise.
17 Create train steam noise...braking at the depot.
18 Create 'all aboard' voice.
19 Create accountant mumbling and complaining...British accent.
20 Create vocals for doctor...he's a goner, nothing left to do, etc.
21 Create graveside service vocals for boot hill.

User Support

No. Task
1 Create HTML files to support game.
2 Add screenshots.
3 Explain all features.
4 Suggest strategy.

Prioritize and give deadlines to the tasks on your list. Also, try to keep your list as dynamic as possible because there will surely be tasks that you haven't thought of. Other than that, I think it looks good.
....[size="1"]Brent Gunning
That's good advice. My spreadsheet has additional columns for milestones. It's amazing when one considers all the steps necessary just to put together a bare bones functional version.

Dynamic? Absolutely! My list started off as about 25 items...then I began thinking about it...I'm sure it will continue to grow.

I've finally got a draft design spec. http://www.chuckbolin.com/4E6/4E6_GameSpec_JedTedFred.pdf

The to do list and the spec are both living docs. I need to keep up with them or I'll never finish the project.

I'm now laying in the framework for the game...

In other postings and on several forums, I've been looking for some team members who are looking for experience in team work and at applying their particular craft. I've been looking for a musician, 2D artist and a writer. The response has been quite favorable.

However, I've not received any responses from any writers. Writing kid-friendly comedy that is not overly sarcastic in an 1880 time frame is very difficult.

I have been greatly influenced by the artistic and musical style of Railroad Tycoon. I've been playing a free demo from http://www.2kgames.com/railroads/railroads.html

So, if you know someone who likes to write... =)



We have a team now. Jorge has joined up as the graphic artist. He's done some very nice concept work. Here's some landscape.

I've had several musicians express interest in working on a 4 week game contest over at www.gameinstitute.com. From this I hope to draw one into the 4E6 entry. =)

I've found a writers forum and am looking for a talented writer to help spin this yarn.

The game engine is working. I'm modifying the 2D DirectX classes.


[Edited by - chuckbo2006 on November 2, 2007 9:50:06 PM]
Looks pretty good, I love sprite graphics in general though. Plus, the grass on the hill, very nice.
Wow, those graphics look excellent. I was starting to get worried that there wouldn't be many 2D games this year in 4E; but the way this is coming along, it looks like quality will replace quantity this year.

That design doc and schedule (thing) is very through as well. It's basically the opposite of what we are doing. We just go level by level with a similar vision in our heads hoping everything comes together. Believe it or not, it seems to be working. After looking at your document though, I don't think we should push our luck. We might just need to sit down and make one...soon.

Best of luck.
Hi guys,
Thanks for the feedback.

Jorge is doing a great job on the art. He created the hills and trees that you see. He's gonna do some concept art from a purely top-down position. This will be easier to code...if he can pull it off that'll be great.

We have a functional framework now. I've got a friend who's gonna look over the DX to see if we can get the frame rate up.

I've been referring to the game spec a lot in order to remind myself of those annoying details...so easy to forget.

Here's a screenshot of the framework. The art is just stuff we created for testing. The nice stuff will follow once everything is functional. Clicking on the map puts the center of the screen to that location. The tree shadows are just an alpha test.

FMOD is working. Built a console test app to accommodate future musicians and sound techs.


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