
[4E6] Siberian Sun

Started by September 29, 2007 01:50 PM
10 comments, last by Darkstrike 16 years, 6 months ago
Every game is worth submitting. Even if you expect to be the last, submit it. You'll get feedback and you won't make the same mistakes again. My game in the previous 4e5 contest was 18th/20 and still I think it was good to submit it. (Unfortunately, it seems my game for 4e6 won't be much better)

Thanks for the encouragement, Lesan, I definitely needed it!

There won't be a save/load function, since the remaining time is just not enough. On the other hand, explosions are in, and I expect to be able to submit the files within 9 hours or so (the game is of course playable at the link in the first post, just with some placeholder graphics).

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