
The Four Elements are: Spinach, Brocolli, Cabage and Potato

Started by September 24, 2007 10:03 PM
53 comments, last by Metorical 17 years ago
I guess if you compared someone working on a task to a computer all those BSODs you used to get in windows would seem quite reasonable.

From 6 billion pick one person to do the job.

What is the probability they understand your instructions? Okay you buy the language specific version.

What is the probability they can do what you ask? Okay you have to get specialist software?

How much do you have to pay them each time you want them to do something? Well not unlike some licensing agreements based on time?

What happens if you want to do some work but they're out to lunch?
What happens if you try and get them to do two or more things at once?

Hehe also I would change the processor spec -

Processing: Massively parrallel, unknown architecture, runs at ms resolution with some tasks delegated to co-processor spinal unit. Ressiliant to chemicals e.g. alcohol but produces strange results.
Quote: Original post by dmoonfire

Plus, my vote would be: Tea, Platypi, Quantum, and Casual.

The platypi, creators of the universe in disguise, have spilt their evening tea all over the laws of quantum physics. It's your job to clean up the mess and restore the world to normal. It's a casual game with auto-save so you can dip in and out when you like.
The elements are technically rules, correct?

1. Must take at least two hours for an experienced player to finish
2. Must convincingly use the refraction of light through a stream of cow urine on an August morning as a metaphor for the interaction between various G8 countries with reference to the exploitation of the newly opened Northwest Passage
3. Must rhyme.
4. Must be coded in Ook!
Quote: Original post by Tesseract
1. Must take at least two hours for an experienced player to finish

2 hours? Then i guess Diablo and Morrowind are out. Heck, even Baldur's Gate is out too.
3. Must rhyme.
4. Must be coded in Ook!
If it's coded in Ook! it would naturally rhyme, wouldn't it?

Quote: Original post by Gaenor
Heck, even Baldur's Gate is out too.

You ever try to install Baldur's Gate in less than an hour and a half?
Quote: Original post by Metorical
Quote: Original post by dmoonfire

Plus, my vote would be: Tea, Platypi, Quantum, and Casual.

The platypi, creators of the universe in disguise, have spilt their evening tea all over the laws of quantum physics. It's your job to clean up the mess and restore the world to normal. It's a casual game with auto-save so you can dip in and out when you like.

Sweet. :) I'd play that.
Quote: Original post by Tesseract
The elements are technically rules, correct?

1. Must take at least two hours for an experienced player to finish
Doom's out too, and any beat-em-up or platformer I guess. Plus most games like Sam & Max.

Zombies, wheel barrel, axe, scotch
I dream hard of helping people.
Quote: Original post by MetoricalWouldn't the judges need to speak Japanese?

Who says they don't?
Quote: Original post by Aiursrage
Zombies, wheel barrel, axe, scotch

Resident Drunk. Axe your way through the living dead while transporting a cask of the cure*

*for this and all ills
"It is not enough to merely faces one's fears. One must run screaming toward them,"
Quote: Original post by Aiursrage
Zombies, wheel barrel, axe, scotch

Heh, I almost misread "Scotch" as something else there for a second! [lol]

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