
C++ String Class Type

Started by April 24, 2001 07:28 PM
11 comments, last by Pho 23 years, 9 months ago
I would be glad if there is a fact i missed. I''ve never seen sth. about ostringstream and istringstream.
I only know about ostrstream and. Is the i/ostringstream class part of standard C++ or isn''t it?
Wich Compiler do you use?

Curios Ben

P.S.Will test it on MS VC++ as soon as I''m home again
Ben_, std::ostringstream and std::istringstream (std::stringstream), are indeed defined as part of the C++ standard. Providing your compiler complies with the language definition, as of 1998, it should support the "sstream" header file.

Regards, Ben.
Thanks, I''ve found it.
I will have to rewrite some of my code now. This class is really helpful and I was angry that there wasn''t one like that out there!!

Greetings Ben

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