
Question for EWQL symphonic orchestra

Started by August 05, 2007 06:55 PM
12 comments, last by mPietro 17 years, 6 months ago
I bought this a short while back and am loving it for some smaller bits I was doing. Now I'm doing a full orchestra piece and need help. 1/4 of the way through the piece I need to change almost all the instruments as they need to go from suspended to more of an attack. How can I add more than the 8 in 8 channels that it gives me? If I try to open up a new EWQL VST synth (so i can have 2 open at once) Sonar6PE quits. I'd really hate to have to export all the midi audio into one audio file and start from scratch. Surely there is a way to get more than 8 at once?! Any help would be great, thanks!!!
You should be able to load additional instance of Kompakt player. Probably something wrong with your Sonar or system, not shure, never used Sonar.

I'm running more than 8 full Kompakts on Cubase 4 Studio without problems.

- Piotr
_________________________www.piotrmusial.comoriginal music for media
Sonar isn't the problem. I've been able to run three full sessions of the EW sample at one time in Sonar 6 PE. The problem is either your RAM or CPU. Plus, make sure you're always adding East West as a VST soft synth under the insert option. Using it as a DXi has issues (like trying to change tempos and such).

Also, if you're just wanting to change attacks but keep the same instruments then you should check out the keyswitch options. This allows you to have one large sample that changes attacks depending on what low (lowest few notes on the keyboard) are assigned as.

Look it up or read up on it in the manual. Might be the fix you're looking for.

If you have any more questions feel free to ask.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Yes, RAM may be the problem. If you load too many samples in Cubase, it crashes too.

Also, if you want to load couple of articulations of one instrument or section, try organizing your Kompakt's so the same instruments would be loaded into one Kompakt instance - this way, if some samples are already loaded by one patch, they won't be loaded again in the same kompakt instance and you save your ram.

I mean also, if you want to double your patches - for example - you need to separate 2 voices of the same section with the same patch, it's best to load it into one Kompakt instance, so it could load samples only once and need no additional memory.

- Piotr

_________________________www.piotrmusial.comoriginal music for media
I have 2GB of ram... don't think that's the problem. Nathan, are there any settings when you click to add the synth that could crash it? I know it asks all those questions when you click to add it... I don't want to have to switch all my work over to CuBase, but this is ridiculous. All I need is two instances of the player!!! Also, CPU is a AMD X2 4800+.
Oh and it also crashes if I have EWQL gold and I open the VST virtual synth for instance.
2 GIGs should be enough, it isn't great but enough. I have 3 GIGs and it works well.

Have you gone into the Kompakt sampler and set the voices to 248 and expert settings?

Here are the steps I follow to install a new set up:

1) Insert: Insert Soft Synth.

2) Select VST Plugins.

3) Select EW package you need.

4) In the next box set up the way you want Sonar to import it and click Okay.

5) Sonar creates two new tracks, one MIDI and one for the sampler. On the MIDI track (the lower of the two) open up the track properties. Set the input to what you need (I always use MIDI Omni) and then the channel as 1. Now open up the EW sampler itself and load your patches.

6) Each time you load in a new sampler, make sure you repeat step 5 but have it routed to the first sampler created (until all of the 8 channels are used up).

If this is what you're doing, and it is still crashing then I suggest you contact and see what they say. Perhaps you need to get a patch update?

I've had Sonar crash once I have *too* many samples loaded in, but never when I'm just trying to open up EW itself.

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

Yeah, I've been doing all that... Once all 8 channels are full and I want to create another instance of the EWQL Gold or Virtual Synth it freaks on me. I'll do some more experimenting.... Thanks for the info!
Well I'm not gonna lie, I went back to CuBase. :(. I was able to finish up my demo which is what matters to me at the moment. However I encountered a weird know that Direct Drive feature or whatever its called in the kompakt sampler? Well it was making random fuzz noises come out of my speakers until I turned it off. What am I gonna lose by having it off? GOSH SO MANY PROBLEMS. I swear audio production software is the buggiest crap out there! Thanks for all your help again Nathan & friends!
Keeping DFD (Direct from Drive) on is very important. This way, when you load a patch, memory usage is very low, comparing to non-dfd patch it may be something like 10 times lower.

What you should check when using VSTi's is that you have your virtual memory set off, process priorities set to background applications.

What kind of music card do you have?

Changing latency (maybe it should be set to lower or higher latency) might solve the noisy problem.

- Piotr

_________________________www.piotrmusial.comoriginal music for media

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