scriptstring.h -- necessary?
What kind of problems do you have when including scriptstring.h in your projects? Maybe it's something I can improve. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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Sorry for occupy the thread, but I have some problems with strings and I think this thread is good place to talk :)
I need strings en my script, but I can't use std::string because I want my engine be multiplatform. That's the reason why I can't use ScriptString, I download bstr than looks useful for me, but I try to use it and I have a lot of errors:
1) Compiling error:
'RegisterTypeBehaviour' : is not a member of 'asIScriptEngine'
Looks like bstr use an old version of AngelScript. I change RegisterTypeBehaviour by RegisterObjectBehaviour.
2) Executing error:
In the scriptMessageCallback:
"Only object types that support object handles can use &inout. Use ∈ or &out instead".
I include '∈' in all references.
3) crash:
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour(0, asBEHAVE_ADD, "bstr f(const bstr ∈, const bstr ∈)", asFUNCTION(asBStrConcatenate), asCALL_CDECL);
GameEngine.exe!asCString::Compare(const char * str=0x00000000)
GameEngine.exe!operator==(const asCString & a={...}, const char * b=0x00000000)
GameEngine.exe!asCConfigGroup::FindType(const char * obj=0x00000000)
GameEngine.exe!asCScriptEngine::RegisterObjectBehaviour(const char * datatype=0x00000000, unsigned long behaviour=14, const char * decl=0x004f35b8, const asUPtr & funcPointer={...}, unsigned long callConv=0)
I think is the first param faults. I change by "bstr"
4) Executing error:
error -7 ( asNOT_SUPPORTED ):
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("bstr", asBEHAVE_ADD, bstr f(const bstr &, const bstr ∈)", asFUNCTION(asBStrConcatenate),asCALL_CDECL);
5) Executing error:
In the scriptMessageCallback:
error: "This behaviour must be registered as global behaviour"
r = engine->RegisterObjectBehaviour("bstr", asBEHAVE_ADD,bstr f(const bstr ∈, const bstr ∈)", asFUNCTION(asBStrConcatenate),asCALL_GENERIC);
And this is all, I don't know what's wrong. Any help? thank you!
There is a bstr implementation in the test_feature/source directory.
Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
Quote: Original post by WitchLord
On what platforms doesn't std::string work?
Well, I don't know but char is in everywhere :) (now you can call me silly haha)
I insert the new code, but I have some problems and doubts:
- How I can pass a bstr argument to the script? I test SetArgObject( char_address ) and don't work (the application crash), I use SetArgAddress() and dont't have problems, but don't work neither.
void OnInit( Entity@ pEntity, bstr str )
pEntity.Foo( str );
pScriptEngine->RegisterObjectMethod( "Entity", "void Foo( bstr )", asFUNCTION( Script_Foo ), asCALL_GENERIC );
- How I can get a char* form bstr?.
void OnInit( Entity@ pEntity )
pEntity.Foo( "niano" );
static void Script_Foo( asIScriptGeneric *gen )
const char *pszParam = what??
asBSTR niano = ( asBSTR )gen->GetArgObject( 0 ); // this don't work
asBSTR niano = ( asBSTR )gen->GetArgAddress( 0 ); // don't work
asBSTR niano = ( asBSTR )gen->GetArgPointer( 0 ); // don't work
Thank you.
Passing bstr to script:
asBSTR bstr = asBStrAlloc(strlen(str)); strcpy(bstr, str); *(asBSTR**)ctx->GetArgPointer() = bstr; // The script engine will be responsible for freeing the memory after the function returns
Retrieving bstr from script:
static void Script_Foo( asIScriptGeneric *gen ){ const char *str = **(asBSTR**)gen->GetArgPointer(); // The asIScriptGeneric interface will free the memory afterwards, so if you wish to keep the string around you need to make a copy of it.} - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game
I try what you said, the part of retrieving bstr from script works fine. But when I pass a bstr to script, I found some problemas, I will try this:
void OnInit( Entity@ pEntity, bstr str01, bstr str02 )
pEntity.Foo( str01, str02 );
const char *pszString = va_arg( iter, const char* );
asBSTR bstr = asBStrAlloc( strlen( pszString) );
strcpy( ( char* )bstr, pszString );
*( asBSTR** )m_pScriptContext->GetArgPointer( iVarPos++ ) = bstr;
1) This cause a compiler error in this line:
*( asBSTR** )m_pScriptContext->GetArgPointer( iVarPos++ ) = bstr;
"cannot convert from 'asBSTR' to 'asBSTR * '". I try 2 things:
- this:
**( asBSTR** )m_pScriptContext->GetArgPointer( iVarPos++ ) = bstr;
Cause a executing error: "Unhandled exception at 0x0045c928 in GameEngine.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00000000." when execute the line.
- and this:
*(asBSTR**)m_pScriptContext->GetArgPointer( iVarPos++ ) = &bstr
Execute properly, and call Script_Foo( asIScriptGeneric *gen ) when execute the line pEntity.Foo( str01, str02 ) in the script, but when I try to read the strings, using this:
asBSTR str01 = **( asBSTR** )gen->GetArgPointer( 0 );
asBSTR str02 = **( asBSTR** )gen->GetArgPointer( 1 );
The two strings have the same valour (the second string pass to the OnInit function), and a little after, the application crash:
"Unhandled exception at 0x7c911230 in GameEngine.exe: User breakpoint"
With this callstack:
msvcr71d.dll!_CrtIsValidHeapPointer(const void * pUserData=0x0012f4f4) Line 1807
msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg_lk(void * pUserData=0x0012f4f4, int nBlockUse=1) Line 1132 + 0x9
msvcr71d.dll!_free_dbg(void * pUserData=0x0012f4f4, int nBlockUse=1) Line 1070 + 0xd
msvcr71d.dll!free(void * pUserData=0x0012f4f4) Line 1025 + 0xb
GameEngine.exe!asCScriptEngine::CallFree(asCObjectType * type=0x0cada788, void * obj=0x0012f4f4) Line 2672 + 0x9
GameEngine.exe!asCContext::ExecuteNext() Line 1989
GameEngine.exe!asCContext::Execute() Line 923 + 0x8
Thank you. - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
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There are two ways of passing bstr values to a script function:
// Create the object and initialize it, then give // the pointer directly to the script engine. // The script engine will free the object. asBSTR *a = (asBSTR*)engine->CreateScriptObject(engine->GetTypeIdByDecl(0, "bstr")); *a = asBStrAlloc(1); strcpy((char*)*a, "a"); *(asBSTR**)ctx->GetArgPointer(0) = a;
// Create a local instance and have the script engine copy it. // The application must free its copy of the object. asBSTR b = asBStrAlloc(1); strcpy((char*)b, "b"); ctx->SetArgObject(1, &b); asBStrFree(b);
As I mentioned before, I don't recommend using bstr due to its awkwardness.
Andreas - game development and more - Reference DB - game developer references
AngelScript - free scripting library - BMFont - free bitmap font generator - Tower - free puzzle game