m_keys.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, UCHAR>(CRC("T_Escape"), DIK_ESCAPE ));
m_keys.insert(std::pair<unsigned int, UCHAR>(CRC("T_1"), DIK_1 ));
DxInput defines into a AS compatible thing
I'm exposing a method to AS to check if a key is down.
I ultimately need to be using the DxInput define to check if the key really is down, but I have no way of exposing this to AS. For example, I can't do IsKeyDown(DIK_1) from the script.
So I was thinking:
Use strings passed from AS to denote key codes. That is "T_1" would relate to DIK_1. I would have a large std::map, and use the CRC of the string as key, and the DirectInput define as the item.
For example
This sucks to do by hand, I'll be honest with you. Although speed is an issue, I think DWORD comparisons should be quick and it's only ~8 comparisons.
So, is there a better way of doing this? If I am going with route, perhaps a priority tree of some flavour would be better?
Why do you think you can't use IsKeyDown(DIK_1)?
What you do is that you create a script section with the constant declarations, then add that to the same module as your user defined script and build them together. Alternatively you can use #include to allow the user defined scripts include other files and then expose the constant declarations as a script file. How to use the #include directive is explained in one of the samples that come with AngelScript.
What you do is that you create a script section with the constant declarations, then add that to the same module as your user defined script and build them together. Alternatively you can use #include to allow the user defined scripts include other files and then expose the constant declarations as a script file. How to use the #include directive is explained in one of the samples that come with AngelScript.
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