Original post by CmpDev If you wanted to read why it is a bad design and what you could do to improve the design and implementation then you won't go wrong reading webstyleguide.
Neat. I'm always on the look out for stuff that'll help me make better web sites.
Webpage design is hollistic. How you display the contents is part of a style. Sometimes it is not obvious to tell what is part of a style from what is plain bad design. The decision is on whether you prefer receive more criticism than you need (and sieve through them yourself), or have others assume that it is your style and give less criticisms.
In one of the passages, you described the context where your art is used. I think you should illustrate the process, such as:
1) show a sample description from the client 2) show what you design according to it 3) show the final rendered scene (or equivalent) when the client uses your design.
Right now, you are showing the pictures from step 2: what you turn in to your client. But you should also be showing pictures from step 3: screenshots of your designs as they are adopted in reality. It might be better to show more of those on the front, or a balance of those and what you submit.