
Good Anatomy for Artists Book?

Started by July 08, 2007 02:17 PM
2 comments, last by waru 17 years, 7 months ago
I wound up with a few gift certificates, so I wanted to get a good anatomy book to study, one targeted at artists with lots of useful diagrams and explanations of muscle and bone, so that I can master the human form. Any suggestions of good/useful books that you pros studied back in the day and found helpful?
Sarah Simblet's Anatomy for the Artist. It shows diagrams of the muscles and has full color photos of the human body with skeletal overlays on transparent sheets. I have the book myself and I find it very useful.
Anatmony for the Artist as mentioned above is a good resource, also you might wanna look at these:

The Human Machine (Bridgman)

Constructive Anatomy (Bridgman)

Vilppu Drawing Manual (Villpu)

and here's a 30 page PDF byr Erik M. Gist: (Amazing figurative artist)
Thanks! The gift certificate doesn't work for any of them for some reason... (I think because they're not sold directly by amazon), but I might buy one anyway. Gotta learn my anatomy

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