
My First Compostions (feedback appreciated)

Started by June 13, 2007 02:37 PM
3 comments, last by MyriMyri 17 years, 8 months ago
Well, one time in my Tech Lab class, I had a chance to use Soundtrack Pro. It quickly became my favorite program in the class. After I made one song, I made another...and another...and another...and another. I have five songs to my name at the moment, and I am hoping to buy Acid Pro this summer to continue my musical endeavours. For now, here are my first songs:(by the way, I absolutley SUCK at coming up with names, so some proper song titles are welcome) The Beginning: One day, I messed around with a bunch of drums and this came out Piano Techno: Not really techno, but oh well. The Showdown: In my opinion, this is just PERFECT for some fight scene. The Aftermath: Meant to take place after a plane explodes in one of my friends songs, this song has a bunch of strings and some cool drums in it. Frozen Volcano: This is by far my favorite piece so far. I love the strings in this song, and the big drums have an almost Mystère-like quality. I guess you can consider it my masterpiece for the moment.
Nick's Code Collection -- my coding / game dev blog!
Alfredo Freak-

Hey man, first off I love the basic idea of Frozen Volcano!!! I'm going to focus on this piece since you say it is your best and favorite so far. Here are a few thoughts to bounce off of you:

1) Mix: I understand your intentions with the low bass drum and I agree, it is a cool sound. However, I think it would be best to bring it back a bit. It is drastically louder than anything else in the mix and I had to turn down the volume quite a bit!! Also, consider the fact that the bass drum patch (only one element in your piece) is taking up more frequencies than anything else in the song. This means some of the fine ambiance of the string patches or drum patterns are covered up and the listener misses out.

2) Form: The song is very repetitive and I'd suggest thinking up another idea that can be contrasting. Right now you have a basic A B or binary form. Why not complete the B section and then go back to the A section. Perhaps there is another instrument patch that can be floated above for the last A section? It needs something to round it out.

3) Motion: I really like the stop and go motion at the beginning but after a while it loses its effect. I think this is because it is being over used. I'd try and find some spots where the listener would be expecting a "stop" moment and fill it up with an interesting, new rhythmic idea.

4) Contrast: You have a very rhythmic piece here and I'm loving it! I think one more thing that will help this piece move up to the next level is more contrast. Have a very rhythmic, intense section coupled with a floating higher smooth idea. Or even contrasting section.

This piece has major potential, now you just need to fine tune and polish some things.

Best of luck!

Nathan Madsen
Nate (AT) MadsenStudios (DOT) Com
Composer-Sound Designer
Madsen Studios
Austin, TX

The Beginning - Excellent, except for that little "tick" sometimes that was completely off the song's style.

Piano Techno - Couldn't hear it, made me redirect.

The Showdown - Good, but you took the ending way too soon, you could have kept playing the middle part for longer. Also, it sounds like The Beginning, but that's very nice if it's for the same game area.

The Aftermath - Also kind of similar to The Beginning to me as far as rhytim is concerned, but maybe I'm just a bad listener. I like the variety of this song better, but my favourite so far is still The Beginning (writing this as I hear it).

Frozen Volcano - I agree with the reply above regarding the drum, it could have less of it, or at least just one part of the song with it, would be great. Although I don't think the volume is too loud.

Frozen Volcano and The Beginning were equally good to me, actually Frozen Volcano was a bit better, but I have to say your style of music is noticeably steady through all the songs, sort of.

I'm just one person though.

EDIT: fixed a terrible typo.

Thanks for the feedback, guys. Alas, I don't have the opportunity to fine tune any of those songs at the moment because I don't own Soundtrack PRO. But thanks anyway.

nsmadsen - Wonderful advice! I will keep everything that you mentioned in mind in mind for future songs.

Kin - I see what you mean about the tick, but I just threw The Beginning together in one class and said DONE. I didn't spend much time on it and didn't really care to spend much time on it once I started making other songs.

By the way, I'm still thinking about the volume of the drums. Me personally, I like them where they are, but that is just me.

Any other feedback is STILL welcome, especially on names!!!
Nick's Code Collection -- my coding / game dev blog!
good stuff. practically flawless, to me. i especially liked the aftermath and frozen volcano. however, i think frozen volcano could use more low frequencies. the cello doesn't quite do it for me. but then again, that's just me :)
overall, good stuff! keep composing.

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