
How do i get started?

Started by April 08, 2001 05:37 AM
6 comments, last by Moogle 23 years, 10 months ago
How much C++ does you have to know to get started with OGL? I have MS Visual C++ 6.0 and I have made some couple of console programs in a text based calculator using functions (i knwo...i''d just wanted to knew if i could code them...). But I just turned 14 so i am probably the youngest programmer around here... ANd also should i think about buying a new CPU (I cant aford it really, but anyways) cos i only have a 350 mgz intel pentium II with no 3dcard and 64megs of memory...? /Sebastian Jensen
Hm.. Just turned 14. Started programming C++ at 12, and OGL at about 14. You''re probably ready to go. Just learn the windows basics(which means alot), and then read all the tutorials.

- soon 16
You just don''t *have* to know C++ to begin coding in GL!
I personally think you might better start off with C, following the examples of the Red Book, but as for C++ as soon as you get past the 1st half of any C++ book I think it''s enough

Also and again it''s only my opinion but just don''t start with spending time learning the Win32 API, use glut and you''ll be able to concentrate right away on the GL code.

Just my $0.02

The youngest programmer?
Hey, I''m 14 too. I started programming with 7 years (basic), Turbo Pascal with 9 years and C++ with 11 years. I read WIndows Game Programming for Dummies, ca. 10 C++ books, Windows Game Programming Gems and Tricks of the Windows Game Programming Gurus. A few months ago I learned OGL and now I''m programming a 3D Shooter .

Original post by Moogle

ANd also should i think about buying a new CPU (I cant aford it really, but anyways) cos i only have a 350 mgz intel pentium II with no 3dcard and 64megs of memory...?

Your CPU and 64MB of RAM will scrape by, but you need a graphics card with good support for OpenGL to do anything in it. Convince your parents that it is in the best interest of your future (heh) to pick you up a Geforce 2 MX (they're only $80 now, pretty cheap). It supports pretty much all of the basic (and some advanced) OpenGL stuff, and is very fast compared to its price. If you can't get one of those, see if you can pick up a TNT2 32MB for around $30 or so.

"Finger to spiritual emptiness underlying everything." -- How a C manual referred to a "pointer to void." --Things People Said
Resist Windows XP's Invasive Production Activation Technology!

Edited by - Null and Void on April 8, 2001 2:14:47 PM
hummm well I started programming at 11... well earlier if you want to consider my attepts at programming for the atari =) ... ummm as far as age goes... it seems your right in line with most of the people around here... well all started programming some where between 10-14...

ummm programming is hard... expecaly game programming it requirse you to do everything you normaly do in applications plus the added dificulty of the code has to be extreamy fast... it can be done... but it takes alot of time... why I say this is it bothers me that you want to go from making simple text base calculaters into doing 3D gfx... which is probably one of the hardest consepts in programming... heh I see my self about 5 years ago in you =)... I had the same problem I was writing text based applications that did simple odds and ends job when I suddenly decied that I could write a doom clone =)... boy was I wrong =)... what I''m trying to get at is try writing simple programs then slowly writing programs of increasing complexity... from where your at I''d say learn the win32 api... its the next big step to over come... but its still inside your reach... from there learn DX... ummm pre 8 versions =)... 8 has made alot of changes and its now fairly dificult to learn if you don''t have a background in 3d programming... then after you''ve mastered 3D 2D gfx sound input and maybe networking... then you can start on OGL ... some may disagree... feel free this is just how I''ve advanced from wanabe to programmer =)... DX is one you might be able to skip... but it is a very good api and I think its worth learning...

The Great Milenko"Don't stick a pretzel up your ass, it might get stuck in there.""Computer Programming is findding the right wrench to hammer in the correct screw."
yeah, i agree w/ Null and Void. cpu and ram should be ok but the least you can do is get a new video card. tnt2 and geforce2mx are good choices like he said

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UNMB2 - if the link doesn''t work, try clicking it
life is unfair, take advantage of it.UNMB2 - if the link doesn't work, try clicking it :)
as for buying a new graphics card, you''d probably have to get a new motherboard to support it. I think any new graphics card needs AGP 2, and really likes AGP 4. My motherboard is only a few years old, and it only has AGP 1, so upgrading my graphics card is going to require a new motherboard, which will also require a new CPU (probably), and I might as well get some more RAM while I''m at it... Just something to think about when you''re starting on the path of simple upgrades

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