
Victory Fanfare! (RPG)

Started by April 27, 2007 01:13 AM
10 comments, last by stenny 17 years, 10 months ago
Nothing major here. Every RPG has the VICTORY fanfare, made famous by the good ol' final fantasy series. Allacrost will be no different. The piece is relatively short but I don't see the need for it to be too lengthy. I just want to really make sure it loops well. Fanfare! This will be the theme that will be heard after winning a battle! Musically, I was going for the earlier part of the song to reflect the dangers of the battle and yet have a congratulatory tone to it in the main thematic later on. I think I need to add some snares to give it a more militaristic feel. How is this sounding? Do you guys think its on track? Thanks for listening Ryan
Sounds nice so far, but I'm not sure it's got the right "pace" for a victory theme. Sorry if I don't have the right musical vocabulary to accurately express this in the right words, but it seems to drag on a bit after the initial trumpet fanfare; maybe if the treble instrument (is it synth strings or woodwind?) was a bit faster and something a bit more stronger in the bass.

Also is it meant to loop or fade out?
Original post by Trapper Zoid
Sounds nice so far

Original post by Trapper Zoidbut I'm not sure it's got the right "pace" for a victory theme. Sorry if I don't have the right musical vocabulary to accurately express this in the right words, but it seems to drag on a bit after the initial trumpet fanfare
Drag on? Do you mean melodically, orchestrally, or what? I believe that the string line isn't carrying the piece enough after the trumpet bursts. You may be referring to the strings, I am not quite sure. It does sound like something is missing in the mix...I think I might add some snares to liven it up a bit.

Original post by Trapper Zoidmaybe if the treble instrument (is it synth strings or woodwind?) was a bit faster and something a bit more stronger in the bass.
Can you explain in a bit more detail please?

Original post by Trapper ZoidAlso is it meant to loop or fade out?
Its going to loop! I need to add a few layers before we can call it a day, but the piece will definitely loop after battles end.

I really want the piece to 'pounce', because I don't want it to become laborious to listen to. Thats just asking for trouble. In fact, a piece like this is probably just as, if not moreso, important than any theme in the game. Pshew. No pressure.

Anyway, thanks for your comments.


Original post by Rain 7
Original post by Trapper Zoidbut I'm not sure it's got the right "pace" for a victory theme. Sorry if I don't have the right musical vocabulary to accurately express this in the right words, but it seems to drag on a bit after the initial trumpet fanfare
Drag on? Do you mean melodically, orchestrally, or what? I believe that the string line isn't carrying the piece enough after the trumpet bursts. You may be referring to the strings, I am not quite sure. It does sound like something is missing in the mix...I think I might add some snares to liven it up a bit.

I think you're right about the strings not holding up after the trumpet fanfare. It's the bit that starts at the five second mark after the trumpet bursts. I think it just needs a bit more energy somehow; the melody itself is fine, but the phrasing is a bit more relaxed than what I'd expect after an adrenaline pumped battle; it's more something I'd expect at a fantasy medieval court. It just needs a bit more "pep" (is that a musical term? [smile])

Original post by Trapper Zoidmaybe if the treble instrument (is it synth strings or woodwind?) was a bit faster and something a bit more stronger in the bass.
Can you explain in a bit more detail please?

I'm not sure it's the tempo as so much as the phrasing. I think you're right in that doesn't quite carry the mood in the way I think it should. Maybe if you did add some snares in there it would be fine. However at the moment it just seems a bit too peaceful for a victory tune (well, I suppose it is peaceful just after you've won!)
Original post by Trapper Zoid
I think you're right about the strings not holding up after the trumpet fanfare. It's the bit that starts at the five second mark after the trumpet bursts. I think it just needs a bit more energy somehow; the melody itself is fine, but the phrasing is a bit more relaxed than what I'd expect after an adrenaline pumped battle; it's more something I'd expect at a fantasy medieval court. It just needs a bit more "pep" (is that a musical term? [smile])
Okay cool. I was actually going for a medieval musical setting, though not at court with tea and crumpets! We need to throw in some people getting eaten by lions. That'll add some zest...perhaps too much.
Though, its really nice to confirm this with someone else that the pacing isn't cutting it at the moment. I'll do a bit of brainstorming to 'pep' it up. :) Sounds good to me!

Original post by Trapper Zoid
I'm not sure it's the tempo as so much as the phrasing. I think you're right in that doesn't quite carry the mood in the way I think it should. Maybe if you did add some snares in there it would be fine. However at the moment it just seems a bit too peaceful for a victory tune (well, I suppose it is peaceful just after you've won!)
Well, the beginning conveys a sense of danger, does it not? Thats what I wanted. Then I wanted for the harmonic material to become more stable and serene. Its a contrast which might work well in projecting a sense of accomplishment. So I just need to fatten the orchestration on this sucker up...

...I am listening to it right now. You are definitely right. It needs a deeper more stable moving bassline. That might help fill out the sound... Its too slow as is. (Its almost like a dirge or something.) I'll get something cooking here soon.

Thanks for clarifying.

The brass is great; very punchy and golden sounding. The whole piece definitely conveys a warm victory feeling, a calm after chaos. I think adding a military snare cadence, with some flams and rolls, some authority along with a moderately soft bass drum would be the best addition: especially, I think it would help in the middle of your track, when the strings are more or less on their own, going through some interesting chord changes.
The string part sounds more appropriate for a 'level up' screen, if you see what I mean. I can see what you're trying to achieve though. Perhaps if you could just extend that early rhythm in the bass under the strings for a while, it would work.
I've added a miltaristic snare with some low bass and timpani.


Original file - ^^^

w/drum fx - VVV


in OGG vorbis format:



Original post by PsyFly
The brass is great; very punchy and golden sounding.

Original post by PsyFlyThe whole piece definitely conveys a warm victory feeling, a calm after chaos.
I am happy you feel that way. ;)

Original post by PsyFlyI think adding a military snare cadence, with some flams and rolls, some authority along with a moderately soft bass drum would be the best addition: especially, I think it would help in the middle of your track, when the strings are more or less on their own, going through some interesting chord changes.
Great advice. I really think that helped me get a bearing on what should be done to fill out the empty spaces.

Rock on,

Very nice tune! Although I think think the new drums right after the initial fanfare sound a bit off (unfortunally I have little education in music, so I can't word it any better), they sound really good when they pick up again in the middle of the track. Keep up the good work!
Sounds really Final Fantasy Tactics Advancy-like (and thus FF XII too). The first part still needs some power. The player just beat enemies, kicked the hell outta them. What's with the relaxed attitude? I first want a 'yay-yippie-yay!' tune, and áfter that there's time for relaxing (the second part, which is, again, perfect).

I suggest throwing in some more snare drums or lower notes in the first part.

What do I expect? A young man's quest to defeat an evil sorceror while discovering the truth of his origins. A plucky youngster attended by her brutish guardian. A powerful artifact which has been broken into a small number of artifactlets distributed around the world.What do I want? Fewer damn cliches. - Sneftel

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