
Help choosing the right Notebook/Laptop

Started by April 09, 2007 01:51 PM
7 comments, last by hollywood927 17 years, 4 months ago
I have been attempting to learn and program XNA and DirectX 9 games using my work laptop. However, it has the whole Intel 915/910 GML chipset which seems to do nothing but dump problems, even though it says it supports VS 3.0 and PS 2.0, it truthfully doesn't. So as a result I need to buy a new laptop, as i am always on the go and never at home. Could you please provide great laptops that you currently use for Game Development? Hopefully not exceeding $1,500-2k. All the ones i'd like to get are the Alienwares, as they are actual video cards, but they cost like $5k+ Thank you! P.S. If you cant give me a specific model or brand, how about features to look for. Just would hate to buy another Notebook and it runs into errors as well.
I would recommend:
- do a bit of research at places like on various models, to get the skinny on parts and grief people have with various sellers
- find out what local "little guy" sellers are holding in stock... if the little guys carry the models, good chance you'll be selecting a laptop which has less chance for returns due to failures
- don't buy via mail unless it's through a local dealer ordering you something
- avoid companies whose support policies or warranties are poor
- make sure you can install Linux on it

Good luck!
You should check out the Dell Inspiron and XPS lines. I had an XPS with a 7800GTX video card and it was a really nice machine :)
Why Linux? I know nothing about Linux.

Saruman - You had no problems creating, was this an older XPS laptop or one of the newer ones? They still seem to run in excess of 3k, but i will look up one w/ the 7800GTX BTW: The laptop from work is an Inspiron B130 and it's the one im having problems with :(

Also do any of you guys know much about Running Windows on a Mac? Can I still program and use windows on a Mac booting on XP?
Quote: Original post by hansonc
also do any of you guys know much about Running Windows on a Mac? Can I still program and use windows on a Mac booting on XP?
Yes, it's just like running Windows normally. Hardware acceleration, the whole nine yards. Check out Apple's academic discounts.

Moving to the hardware forum.
If you can afford the Dell XPS M1710, I'd recommend that. Even the base model has a decent 7900GS gfx card.

Might be a bit expensive though just to get that gfx card, so if not I'd say have a look around for the cheapest laptop you can find with a 7900GS. As long as you've got a decent warranty (say 2/3years onsite), what can go wrong?!
Best advice I can give you: Don't buy Alienware. Not sure about Dell, but I don't trust them. I've had both Alienware and Dell laptops die for no apparent reason. Alienware also refused to repair it, even when I offered to pay for it. There are plenty of Alienware horror stories in Google too.
We use XPS M1710 or XPS M1210 at work, and they are solid.

The M1210 is especially nice, because it's so lightweight (which matters if you will actually take it with you)
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };
Quote: Original post by Saruman
You should check out the Dell Inspiron and XPS lines. I had an XPS with a 7800GTX video card and it was a really nice machine :)

I couldn't agree more. Dell's 2007 lineup is looking mighty powerful too.

This is an excellent notebook question. I have forwarded this (with credits) to for further examination.

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