
Missing hardware?

Started by March 31, 2007 03:16 PM
2 comments, last by ToohrVyk 17 years, 6 months ago
I'm trying to set up a Debian box for testing some programs, and I'm stuck on getting the wireless network card to work. The card is an old Netgear WG311 card (with what I believe is an Atheros chipset), for which I've already installed the suggested MadWifi drivers. Windows XP could see it correctly (even without the drivers installed) and told me that it's on the PCI bus 0 at position 0x0C, covering function 0. In Linux, the card doesn't exist: there's nothing (says lspci) on PCI bus 0 between my sound card at position 0x02 and my ethernet card at position 0x10, and there's no 'unknown hardware' present on any other bus or slot or function at all in the entire computer. The 'power' LED on the wireless card is lit, so I suppose it's connected to the bus after all. What in the world could be going on here?
Well, it seems that moving the card (physically) to another slot did the trick, it's now recognized in 0x0B by lspci. I'm still curious about what happened.
Wow I'm suprised you even got it to work since wireless card support in Linux is spotty at best.
Last time I tried in Suse 10.2 I couldn't get it to work although 10.1 release did actually detect card.
Later I learned they removed the wireless drivers due to stability problems especially when running SMP kernels.
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Well, getting the card to show up in a PCI bus scan isn't that difficult (it doesn't need drivers). As for the drivers, I had to wait for three years for the driver to appear, so it wasn't that grat [grin]

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