Quote:Original post by templewulfI want my defenders to be able to actively stop an advancing goblin. |
Actually, in D&D, you can use your AoO to do a Trip Attack or a Grapple instead of a normal attack, which accomplishes more or less exactly what you want.
(The rules may be a little overkill, but here they are:
http://www.d20srd.org/srd/combat/specialAttacks.htm#grapple )
In most computer D&D games, the AoO is automated, like tstrimp is suggesting. If someone walks by someone else who has an AoO available, that person automatically makes a melee attack against the walker. But in actual pen and paper D&D, you decide when someone walks through if you want to take your AoO, and if so, what you want to do, sort of like an Interrupt or Instant from Magic The Gathering. If you just want to do damage, you can hit them with your sword. But if you want battlefield control in D&D, you equip a spiked chain and take the feat Combat Reflexes, which lets you reach 2 tiles away and gives you a bonus on trip attempts; then anyone who walks through your area can get tripped, and their movement immediately halts for that turn.
If you were trying to automate it as much as possible, maybe you could just have certain skills or weapons that auto-execute a certain response when someone walks through your threatened area. So, you could walk your knight into position, then select "Auto-intercept" as his action, and he stands there looking tough with a little intercept icon blinking over his head. Or you could have each unit select what they want their "auto-ability" to be (like Reflex actions in FF Tactics). Then on the opponent's turn, if he walks through the knight's threatened area, he has to defend against some sort of trip attack in order to successfully walk through. Maybe if you had high enough dodge, you could avoid the attack altogether (like a ninja), or high enough strength you could overrun the blocker (like a dragon), or if you had enough stamina/speed, you could get tripped, stand back up again, and keep running (like a... um... faster ninja ;)