
colonization remake

Started by March 22, 2007 02:32 AM
3 comments, last by suliman 17 years, 11 months ago
hi i posted some info on this some weeks ago and interests where high so here is a link to more info and some screen: link Any further suggestions or comments? E
Looks good! Looking forward to playing it!
there's lots of work remaining before anything enjoyable to play, but its coming along nicely.

what could be the portuguese speciality? Good ships?
Original post by suliman
there's lots of work remaining before anything enjoyable to play, but its coming along nicely.

what could be the portuguese speciality? Good ships?

Better navigation (especially early periods). Better selection of certain goods needed by colonies (from their large trade network) like medicines. They were known for having very good fortifications and tenacity in defending them.
--------------------------------------------[size="1"]Ratings are Opinion, not Fact
ok here's an idea:

+25% ship movement
-25% stockade/fort/fortress cost
+20% building cost (hammers only) in non-coastal settlements

only half damage taken to own units when attacking indian settlement
+25% loot from indian settlements

+50% crosses

+30% less bad relations to indians (over time, when taking land, attacking etc)
+25% more converts from missions
indian scouts recruitable in settlements

+25% profit when selling goods in europe

some unique units possibilities:
english - minuteman replaces militia. Redcoats (maybe thats tories?)
dutch - fluyt replaces caravel (strange?)
french - cheaper missioneries, voltigeur (sniper/skirmisher musketeers)
spanish - conquistadores maybe, tercio, rodelero
portugeuse - Jinite dragoons? Dont know...

portuguese settlements
São Vicente
Porto Seguro
São Paulo
Rio de Janeiro
Eleven Thousand Virgins

[Edited by - suliman on March 23, 2007 2:12:31 AM]

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