A FLAT-WORLD INTRODUCTION Recently I've been thinking about how a MMO wargame could work, where a player would control both a single hero character counter and likely have NPC units under his control. Traditional wargame maps are hex and counter based. A hex could be 50m for a tactical-level battle (where a counter represents a squad), or 500m (company to division). Although I'm using the word wargame I don't mean it with all the connotations it comes with, merely the playability of one and seeing if the typical trappings of an MMO-Wargame or MMO-RPG could be integrated with it. Nearly every MMO today is 3D or a variation of isolinear. While they are both detailed and immersive for a player, they are also difficult in making it as detailed and immersive because of the enormous amount of art production required and the strain it places on the players computer for distance draws and busy areas. What I want to suggest is a different form of user interface, based on the Gods-view top-down 2D wargame. I know it sounds shocking - shockingly dull and uninteresting, that is, but it seems reasonable even if there is no avatar or sprite, but a counter. There's nothing fundamentally incapable about it, and with additional features it might be able to accomplish just as much as it's multi-dimensional competitors. Please note that I'm only interested on how this format could work for MMO use - details such as setting, character creation, combat mechanics, item crafting, and PvP aren't as pertinent from this perspective and putting the cart infront of the horse. I am assuming in my examples, especially with the maps, a semi-modern setting. There is nothing wrong with fantasy, but the vastness of scale and density are really only managable in a modern setting where having a car/train/repulsorlift makes these things a non-issue. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TRADITIONAL WARGAME MAPS What follows are a few beautiful map examples. VB code doesn't appear to work here, so no