
Portfolio review request

Started by February 19, 2007 08:48 PM
9 comments, last by Peter Szabo Gabor 17 years, 11 months ago
Alltogether the pixel section and the digital art section are the best. I guess the traditional artworks from long before, because they do not match the quality of the mentioned to (not even close). Usually I would suggest some more study on anatomy (for example the walking guy (Jay Walker) arms moves in wrong rhythm to the feet (left arm and RIGHT foot front, then the other way around).

I guess you are also a self-taught artist (like me 8) ) so just keep on practicing, you have a very good start and enough experience. I also suggest some googling around for Andrew Loomis's works (, for composition and figure drawing. You work finely with colours.

Good works.

[Edited by - Peter Szabo Gabor on March 13, 2007 11:01:08 AM]

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