How Neural Networks work?
February 17, 2007 03:37 PM
Many things seem to be accomplished using NNs, but I don't quite understand how they work. I looked for some documentation, but is basicaly just advanced math and that's not my strong point [lol].
So, for example, how does a character recognition system look like? Is it like a pyramid of neurons? I mean, if the input is a matrix, what will be the output, a single neuron telling true or false? I know there are some "weights" to rule the system, but how are they formed? If I move or change the input character a bit, how can it still be recognized?
Can all this be explained in plain english? Is there maybe a nice tutorial to explain all this?
I started with this great tut:
Neural Networks in Plain English
Neural Networks in Plain English
"We've all heard that a million monkeys banging on a million typewriters will eventually reproduce the entire works of Shakespeare. Now, thanks to the internet, we know this is not true." -- Professor Robert Silensky
The "Neural Networks in Plain English" tutorial is what I began with as well. After going through all of that, I wanted something that discussed everything in more detail, and I eventually found the following free PDF book on the topic:
An Introduction to Neural Networks
That document contains a thorough treatment of neural networks, including derivations of algorithms such as back-propagation.
An Introduction to Neural Networks
That document contains a thorough treatment of neural networks, including derivations of algorithms such as back-propagation.
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